Get a Free Copy of “Confidential Social Intelligence Manuscript”

Get a Free Copy of “Confidential Social Intelligence Manuscript”

Last summer I released an 11 year old manuscript I wrote called the “Confidential Social Intelligence Manuscript.”?? I am now giving away the $38.00 manuscript free to those of you who purchase the recently released “Conversation Escalation: Make Small Talk Sexy program.

What is the Manuscript?? And what does it contain?

This is the exact blueprint I used to leapfrog from being a shy, insecure loner, to climbing to the highest levels of my college scene… and have gone on to party at the Playboy Mansion,? jet setted through South America with international hotties, and am living my dream in every conceivable way.

>>>Get a free copy of the $38.00 “Confidential Social Intelligence Manuscript” now by being one of the first to purchase Conversation Escalation:? Make Small Talk Sexy<<<

Just a few of the things you’ll learn in this manuscript:

  • How to use six weapons of influence to dominate ANY social circle you’re in? and literally have people lining up to hang out with you? no matter where you currently stand within your scene? you’re phone will be ringing with invitations to exciting and exclusive parties filled with dancers, intellectuals, politicians, hipsters, tv execs, athletes, and beautiful sensual women? and they’ll all know you by name.
  • The secrets of popularity and personal magnetism? Here are the exact steps you need to take to become a compelling and charismatic person? and become the leader of the pack and the center of attention, and the one to bring these different people from different worlds together?.Hot parties, hotter women, trendy friends, and traveling the world through mansions, cat walks, ski resorts…?? With a close group of friends with similar goals and ambitions, you are living the life filled with the spice of variety, choice, and random adventure.
  • Confidential tricks for making female friends? women are predicable creatures? and if you follow this 5 step plan for befriending a female (and this is completely different from getting in the friend zone)? you’ll find that she will be dying to introduce you to her hot friends? and invite you into her scene.
  • A complete “image overhaul” that will transform you into the kind of guy who routinely has women chase him?who is viewed immediately as the kind of guy who is successful with women? and portrays the image of a “superstar.” You’ll learn exactly how you need to look to have women pre-select you from the crowd as the guy they want to get to know.? And you’ll learn the patented “10 Second Impression” for commanding the attention of everyone you come in contact with? (NO MATTER HOW YOU LOOK NOW YOU CAN GET HERE)?
  • The dirty little secret”? a technique so powerful that I’ve never released it publicly? but will create a gnawing desire within a woman’s brain to possess you completely.? This is so counter-intuitive to anything you’ve ever been taught? but works like a charm on almost any woman, no matter if she is a goody two shoes? or dirty slut?? this will almost guarantee that she begins thinking of you in a sexually charged-got to have him- sort of way?
  • How to embrace the power of the butterfly effect? and how to shape every seemingly insignificant action to have a major effect later on in your life? how to alter just several little aspects of your daily interactions? and reap the rewards for years to come?
  • And much much more?

Get a Free Copy Of The Manuscript

Yes, you can have the entire 100 page manuscript completely free when you order the Conversation Escalation….

>>>Get a free copy of the $38.00 “Confidential Social Intelligence Manuscript” now by being one of the first to purchase Conversation Escalation:? Make Small Talk Sexy<<<

When the “Confidential Social Intelligence Manuscript” was released last year, the reviews were amazing:

Here is one from J.R. in Toronto

I’ve been reading your book and think it is perhaps the best thing I’ve read on social dynamics – and I’ve read a lot. You guys are solid. Thanks for all your advice.? -J.R

Here is one from K.S. in Kentucky

II received the book a couple of days ago and have read a good portion of it – great stuff.? I have read so much in the community (Magic Bullets, Brad P’s stuff, The Game, VHA,ect) and this is up there if not surpasses them in many ways.
I am learning ALOT from this book.? – K.S

Here is one C.J. in Minnesota

I bought the book and so far it’s been great. It is exactly what I had been looking for. There is a lot out there as far as pick up methods go but very little on gaining higher social status. While it’s easy enough to be a social superstar amongst AFC’s, it’s a lot harder when you encounter “naturals” and other high status men. The previously confidential social intelligence manuscript is proving to be invaluable. I have splurged and bought very expensive programs and subscribed to guru websites at close to $100 per month, but I’m thinking I’m going to cancel and save myself the cash. I’m kicking myself for not enrolling in the metorship but the information contained in your book is well worth it.

Here is one from L.J. in NY

Okay, So the stuff works. Period.? I?ve been abroad the last month in Buenos Aires, Argentina studying Spanish. Other than their extreme fear of the Gripe (Swine Flu). The people are real cool. As I arrived here and realized that there were roughly 40 to 50 strangers meeting up in a foreign?country for the first time…perfect place to test your theories.
So…results. Results. Hung out with the people and girls I wanted, ended up getting invited to one of the girl?s places (and bedroom), and had a lot of fun. I still am at this time.
>>>Get a free copy of the $38.00 “Confidential Social Intelligence Manuscript” now by being one of the first to purchase Conversation Escalation:? Make Small Talk Sexy<<<

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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences.  For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.

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