We Were All This Stupid/Adorable In Grade School
As the old saying goes: ?The human body regenerates every seven years.? In the terms of science, this means every cell that you have will have died and been replaced in seven years? time. In terms of life, though ? especially when included in some kind of shitty coming-of-age drama script ? this means that, every seven years, you yourself, are a completely different person!
Which is why when you look back at your life back in grade school, it might seem strange that you were actually a person who sent that girl in ponytails who sat behind you in math class that love note. Or the various notes you sent asking girls if they liked you, complete with a ?yes? and ?no? for them to circle. Or that just seeing a boob would have had you tucking a boner up into your belt.
Ah, simpler times.
All of this is a needless lead-up to this fantastic love letter from the Worst Things Blog, which might be the cutest thing that?s currently on the Internet.
Oh, unless this was written by a 30-year-old, which seems extremely possible since those are the only people who still like Star Wars.
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About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.