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Architecture Radness: Upside-Down House
Posted October 2, 2009
Oh, those Germans. Whether it?s going against all conventional wisdom and actually liking David Hasselhoff, or trying to take over the world and exterminate an entire race, they lo ...
Why I Love Ozzie Guillen, Reason 4,909
Posted October 1, 2009
Make no mistake about it: I am an unabashed fan of the Chicago White Sox. (Which is, admittedly, an unfortunate thing to be this year.) But if there?s one aspect of the team I love ...
Posted October 1, 2009
Most guys think that vintage is for girls. To those men I say, kiss my vintage ass. Vintage is the best thing there is where fashion is concerned. You don’t believe me. Pul ...
Holy Awesome: Nerf Guns Are Back With A Vengeance
Posted October 1, 2009
Remember back in the day, when you and your buddies ? all of whom had parents who would never let them get a BB gun ? would get together with those puny little guns, pumping those ...