Best Weekend Reading From Around the Web
50% off sale on Social Superstar: The Best of TSB Magazine (paper back) is on sale here.
El Topo put up a really good video on body language and spacial relevance.
Weekend Eye Candy: Dirty College Girls
I think everyone has wanted to learn how to score a college professor at some point during college. For me it was my 16th Century English Lit professor.
For all the guys wondering if she may quite possible want out of the friend zone… well here are 6 signs she wants to be more than friends.
We’ve all been there: 11 signs you drank too much last night
Braddock posted a really insightful article on the whole concept of approach anxiety and how to overcome it. Braddock’s stuff is always solid so I recommend checking this one out too.
Weekend Eye Candy: Ashley Tisdatle Bikini Pics
Here are some great Iphone apps to make your dating life easier.
I’ve had to break up with quite a few girls in my day… never did any of these 5 worst ways to break up with a girl all though I sure thought about it though
Weekend Eye Candy: Kim Kardashian Bikini Pics
No matter how big of a funk you feel you’re in… here is how to change the way you feel right now in 5 easy steps.
World’s universally recognized number one pickup artist, Brad P is giving away is favorite opener.
The Best of TSB Magazine: Social Superstar is now selling for half off. This also includes the never released “Confidential Social Intelligent Manuscript. Get it here.
For anyone who purchases Conquer Your Campus through this special link (must use this link), just email me your receipt and I will send you an exclusive interview on social circle game I did with Braddock. It is one of the best interviews I’ve done.
Check out AFC Adam’s updated boot camp schedule. He was recently voted number one pickup artist is the world at the PUA Summit.
Word-For-Word Lines For
Getting Girls
In this FREE Manuscript:
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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.