Vintage Radness: Video Dating From the 80s
We do a lot of work in these parts making sure you guys are able to get out there, meet the right ladies, and take them back to your place for a night of unbridled (or is it “bridled”, whichever one works best here) passion. And after watching the below video, it’s a good thing we do.
This fantastic compilation [via World of Wonder] gives you a taste of what dating was like back in the 80s. Not only did you have to get your message out through video testimonials (there was no Internet, folks!), but you also had to, apparently, have horrible haircuts, wear awful clothing, and be filmed in front of hideous one-color backdrops. This is a reminder to you all that, no matter the results you’re getting in the bars with the ladies, even if you’re horribly failing for a brief period amount of time, you can still sleep well at night knowing at least you’re not any of these guys:
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About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.