As my little cousin would say ? ?don?t get the game twisted.? on men is very important. And he?s a man whore, so if he said it than it must be true.
Okay, man whore might be a little bit much.
Let?s just say that he?s been around the block, to the left, the right, up, down, in and out, and in and out, and in and out ? more than a few times.
Still, what he said made a lot of sense. If you don?t look sexy, than sex is so out of the question.
She is not going to want someone that looks worse than your average Joe. Even Joe dresses for the occasion sometimes. The bedroom is one of the most important occasions that I can think of ? and I am sure you agree.
I hope that doesn?t make me a man whore too? If I was, you?d tell me right?
Anyway, if you haven?t got the point by now, it is that you must dress for everything. There is a perfect outfit for every moment of your life, whether you are going out or staying in. You don?t always have to be with another person in order for you to dress to impress either.
is underrated ? and that?s a shame.
Just the same, dressing for you and her is still something that need not be taken lightly. The good news: you only have to wear the clothes for a short amount of time – if you do everything right. The bad news: like your sex life, you should try to reinvent yourself to create a fresh perspective. Trust me, both you and she will be pleased.
But I digress ? this is not a sex column.
versus pajamas ? what is the difference? A big difference I would say. The main difference that I can think of is that pajamas are what you wear when you are a boy. is what you wear when you are a grown man.
I don?t know about you, but I am a grown man.
Here are a few of the essentials in sleepwear that every man should have:
The robe is a classic staple in any old school man?s wardrobe. Younger generations ? from the 70s on, have discarded the robe from their wardrobe vocabulary. A robe is comfortable, easily accessible, and it looks great on a man regardless of body shape. That means if you are slender, muscular, or are big, you can still rock the robe like it is 1955.
I think that it goes without saying that the silk robe is the best kind to have, but every now and then, you might come across someone who doesn?t like the feel of silk ? that?s cool, a basic cotton will get the job done.
Do girls leave you confused as to whether or not they like you?
Let's face it. Girl's don't make it easy for you. She will often send mixed signals leaving you unable to tell if she is being friendly or flirty. If you read her signals wrong you risk rejection and embarrassment. Or worse, you blow it with a girl who wanted to kiss you.
Here is a simple and innocent move that will instantly tell you if you're in the friend zone, or if she's waiting for you to kiss her.
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About James R. Sanders James knew that he was going to be involved in media somehow when he realized that the only person that had something worth saying was him. He's not egotistical though, his work regularly appears in the Philadelphia Inquirer, OrigiVation Magazine, Black Star News,, Wow Magazine, and the Huffington Post.