PUA Summit Preview Interview with David Wygant
For over nearly0 years David Wygant has been earning the trust of American men and women looking to transform their love lives. Today, no dating coach on earth commands more respect from the media, from other experts, and from real-life individuals.
David is just one the many speakers who will be speaking at next months PUA Summit.
Question 1: What Opener Has Worked Best For You And Why?
As you all know, I am 100% different than anyone else out there.? I don’t believe in canned routines or pre-planned openers, because women are all about serendipitous moments.? Everyone can create an unbelievably powerful opener based on what’s going on around them.
The key to attracting a woman is to be aware of what she’s doing in that moment.? So every time I see a woman, I run the scenario happening around me through my head to be successful in opening her (because the key to successfully opening a woman is to make it casual, fun and non-threatening).
A good opener is based on her not feeling like she’s being opened.? It needs to feel like a twist of fate to her: You’re in a coffee shop, she’s there and you meet.? It’s how women are wired.
So how do you open a woman anyplace and anytime?? First, observe what she’s doing or feeling.? This is really simple.? Ask yourself this question: What does her facial expression convey right now?? Is she happy?? Sad?? Frustrated?
Also, observe what she physically is doing at that moment.? Is she ordering a sandwich?? Is she sampling coffee?? Smelling blueberries??? Once you process this information, what is the first thing that comes to your mind?
You’ll need to train yourself to do this.? The best way to do that is to take a week and write down everything you feel when you watch people, so that you are able to quickly react to any situation.
The other thing to do is to be sure to have a powerful voice tone when you talk to a woman.? Once you know what you’re going to say, walk over like you’ve said what you’re about to say 1000 times before.? The more casual you are in your approach, the better her response will be to you because what you say will be coming from what’s already in her head.? It gets you off to an easy start into a conversation.
This is how I craft openers all the time . . . and they work every time.
Word-For-Word Lines For
Getting Girls
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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.