9 Tips to Look Younger
Written By: Marcus Ho
Are you starting to notice the annoying signs of ageing creeping onto your face? Are the fine lines of wrinkles and pigmentation beginning to affect your overall self-confidence? Fret not! With several adjustments to your lifestyle, you would be able to stave off those annoying signs without any cosmetic surgery.
But first, we have got to understand how our skin works. The epidermis (outermost layer) of the skin protects us against the calamitous effects of external factors like pollution and UV rays. Fortunately, it is able to naturally rejuvenate itself by sloughing off the dead skin cells and replacing them with new ones. Here are some simple tips that can do wonders in improving your skin and helping you look great at any age.
1) Exfoliate regularly
Exfoliation may be a cosmetic technique for women, but it has been becoming more common for men as well. It helps to improve the skin by sloughing off the uppermost layer of dead skin cells, revealing the young and supple skin beneath. Skin is immediately smoother and softer to the touch after exfoliation. However, take note to choose a gentle product and exfoliate no more than twice a week.
2) Eat Well
To fight free radicals, which are chemical particles that causes acne and premature aging, you need a variety of food that contain omega 3s and antioxidants such as Vitamin C, Vitamin E and carotenoids. Foods that contain omega 3s include salmons, herrings and lake trout. Blueberries, strawberries, oranges, red and green peppers are great sources of Vitamin C, while dark leafy vegetables like broccoli, romaine lettuce and spinach contain Vitamin E. For carotenoid-containing foods, consume dark green and orange vegetables such as pumpkins and carrots.
3) Drink enough!
Like most dietitians have been preaching for decades, it is imperative that you should drink a minimum of at least 8 glasses of plain water to meet your daily hydration requirements. This will not only aid your digestion process, but is also crucial for healthy and supple skin. If you are sick of drinking plain water, try spicing it up by adding a slice of lemon to the glass.
4) Keep away from the sun
We have all heard about the harmful effects of the sun’s UV rays. It is not only detrimental to your health due to an increased risk to skin
cancer, but also a direct cause of premature skin ageing. Fortunately, sun damage is now avoidable by applying sunscreen. See your pharmacist or doctor to assess the amount of sun damage you are exposed to daily and prescribe the most suitable sunscreen for yourself.
5) Get adequate sleep
There is a reason why the term “beauty sleep” was coined. Too little sleep not only makes you feel lethargic throughout the day, but also cause dark circles and bags below your eyes. In addition, it may lead to memory loss and negative thoughts. So remember to have enough sleep every night! Our body renews and rejuvenates itself while we sleep, so tuck in early to get at least 6 to 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night.
6) Shake your bon bons!
Research has shown that living a sedentary life is a major factor that contributes to ageing skin. Working out helps to get your blood flowing and tone your muscles, which will ultimately lead to a youthful and sculpted body!
Studies have also shown that sedentary adults who are older will experience a higher risk for dementia. So make it a point to indulge in a variety of exercises at least 3 to 4 times a week, 30 minutes each time.
7) Moisturize your skin
Make it a habit to moisturize your skin after every shower. While applying the moisturizer, dab and press the cream into your skin instead of rubbing it across your cheeks and forehead. This will stimulate the skin cells and increase the elasticity at the epidermis.
A good moisturizer hydrates and plumps up your skin. Choose one with Vitamin A for improved elasticity and reduction of wrinkles and Vitamin C and E to promote collagen (an important ingredient which renews the skin) formation and antioxidant protection.
8) Quit smoking
Smoking is a key culprit to premature ageing, whether you smoke or often hang around with smokers. The chemicals from cigarette smokes constrict the blood vessels of our skin, reducing oxygen and nutrient delivery to the delicate skin tissues. Research has also shown that exposure to cigarette smoking can be as damaging as exposure to the sun’s UV rays.
9) Avoid excessive drinking
It may be fun to go nuts once in a while, but excessive alcohol consumption contributes to ageing skin by increasing blood flow near the skin’s surface and dilating small vessels in the skin. If you constantly drink excessively, these blood vessels on the skin surface can be damaged permanently, which leads to premature aging.
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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.