Best Weekend Reading From Around the Web
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David Wygants asks an imporant question: Do you Over Manscape?
I’m starting to really look forward to this movie.
Here is an interview with Sinn over at the Attraction Blog. Sinn is a pickup artist that always provides at least a couple valuable nuggets of chick getting wisdom.
Dying for an experienced older woman? Read all about how to find your neighborhood cougar.
Speaking of cougars… Demi Moore in a bikini is still pretty nice to look at.
Anytime Cajun and Tenmagnet get together for a podcast… you bet you’ll learn something that will increase your ability to get hot women to get naked in your bedroom.
Roosh posted a good article on post sex evidence cleanup… as only Roosh can.
Who is looking forward to Entourage? Here is a nice gallery of the ladies of Entourage from the show’s premier last week.
If you’re even remotely considering taking a seduction/pickup bootcamp… I recommend signing up for one of Adam Lyons before he raises his ridiculously low prices.
More proof to stay away from strippers.
Unless of course the stripper looks like her. Then you proceed anyway.
Need to squeeze some quick sex in? Read the art of the quickie.
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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.