The Ideal Cast For A Live-Action Simpsons Movie
Yes, this kind of gallery is the epitome of Link Bait – there’s really no chance we’d ever link to a website named “MomLogic” otherwise – but it’s necessary viewing for all Simpsons fans. In other words, necessary viewing for everyone, ever.
In short, some industrious soul went through your favorite characters from The Simpsons, made choices as to who should be cast in the roles, and put together a few decent Photoshop jobs showing how they’d look after a few hours in the makeup chair. The actual photos are decent enough – a few are actually kind of creepy, these people will yellow skin and strange haircuts – but the choices are so spot on you can only wonder in your head how great a live-action Simpsons movie would be with this dream cast in place. The first few ones are kind of cute, but the choice for Moe is the one that won me over completely:
Steve Buscemi as the bitter, lonely bartender Moe? Perfect.
Scroll through the rest of the gallery to some more inspired choices – I’m particularly fond of their Otto – but do feel free to voice your dissent or better choices in the comments below. The point is, let’s get this movie off the ground people.
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About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.