The Best Ad Currently On The Internet: “Human Snake”
This one’s for anyone who spent hours and hours wasting away your youth like yours truly: By pressing various directional keys on either some kind of old Tandy-1000 computer or their high-tech graphing calculator trying to guide that damn two-dimensional snake towards its snake food without running into his own tail:
The ad, which is part of Nokia’s new “Get Out and Play” campaign, was low-fi to the extreme. They used no special effects other than some perfect editing and their only filming equipment was a single digital still camera. Take a gander at the making of video over the website for a closer look at what exactly went down to create this incredible ad.
About PeteTheFreshman Finding hot chicks, gadgets and hanging out with bands is a tough job, but someone has to do it... Self proclaimed gonzo journalist, tech monkey, and lush, PeteTheFreshman writes the posts that require the least amount of writing skill.