Super Conference and Playboy Party Weekend Report (w/pics)

As many of you know, Mike Stoute, Pete the Freshman, and I were invited by Nick Savoy, CEO of Love Systems, to attend the 4th annual Super Conference in Los Angelos.

This was exciting to me as I had never attended an event as big as this, nor had I ever been to California. I was also super excited as we had tickets to attend the Party at the Playboy Mansion that occurred last Friday. There is so much that I want to discuss involving The Super Conference, the party, the various PUAs I had an opportunity to interact with, and my thoughts on Los Angeles.


4:30 am

My alarm goes off, I jump in the shower, and kiss my girlfriend goodbye.

Mike Stoute and Pete the Freshman never went to sleep so they are wide awake. Due to Stoute’s obscenely long shower and hair routine, we are running fairly late to the airport.

6:00 am

We are on the long term parking shuttle to our terminal and I am absolutely convinced we are going to miss the flight which boards in 40 minutes. Stoute is surprisingly calm. Or just really relaxed from a morning toke hehe.

7:00 am

We make the plane just in time. Never fly United. No meals. I got the aisle seat and had my elbows smacked about 30 times throughout the flight. I read a little GQ, listened to some Coldplay on the Ipod, and doze off into the same emergency plane landing dream I have on every flight I take.

10:20 am

We land in LAX. I am immediately impressed with the quality of girls I see in California. Sure they’ve got that bleach blonde, tanned out, fake look…. but the sheer quantity of eye candy is staggering.

11:30 am

After stern deliberation we decide not to upgrade our car rental to the Cadillac Escalade. As fun as it would have been to have Pete the Freshman play Turtle all weekend… it just wasn’t worth the extra expense. (Later as we pull up to a group of girls on Sunset Blvd to ask directions we come to regret this decision)

12:00 pm

After quitting cigarette for nearly 2 months… Stoute buys a pack. Smokes two cigarettes back to back. Then throws the pack in the garbage. (Another decision he would come to regret in about an hour)

12:25 pm

We arrive at the Beverly Garland Holiday Inn. The places seems relatively nice, but there appears to be an unusually large number of homosexuals checking in. Mike, Pete, and I are eyed down by the gay men like we are tonight’s dinner.

1:00 pm

After unpacking some stuff, and fighting off the urge to nap… we decide to head out for some food. We go to a small Mexican joint and order some burritos.

2:30 pm

The three of us decide to hit up Melrose to see what kind of clothes they have. We quickly discover that LA is even too hipster for ultra hipster Pete the Freshman. We also realize that super trendy shirt we all admire of Savoy’s was a dime a dozen in LA.

3:00 pm

We get back to the car as two street police are writing up a ticket. Apparently we were two inches onto the red line. We argue with the street police to no avail… we accept our ticket. Later, as we turn a corner we see the two cops crossing the street.. we contemplate gunning it… but decide against it.

3:30 pm

I pull out Stoute’s camera to take a picture of some smoking hot Lindsay Lohan look a like.. and discover that his entire LCD monitor is cracked. He vaguely remembers sitting on it in the airport. Realizing he threw his pack of cigarettes away… Stoute is officially in a bad mood.

5:00 pm

We get a call from Savoy informing us that his videographer canceled and asking us if we would fill in. He offers a few bucks and we accept. We decide to use the money to buy a new digital camera for the weekend. We head to Best Buy.

8:30 pm

We find a shitty bar to grab some burgers and catch the last inning of the Red Sox game. The waiter recommends a few bars to head to later. He warns us to avoid “boys town” we tell him that the hotel we are staying at is apparently “boys town.”

10 pm

After polishing off a bunch of Stellas at the pub, we head to Saddle Ranch. The place is fairly dead but we hit it off with a waitress who seems to be impressed that we will be heading to the Playboy Mansion tomorrow night. We decide that we will squeeze this fact into every conversation we have for the next two years.

10:20 pm

Stoute spots someone who resembles Sinn. I’m unfamiliar with what Sinn looks like, but Stoute is convinced. He goes over and introduces himself. It turns out that it is Sinn, and he is there winging a bootcamp with RSD. Crazy our first night in LA and we wander into an RSD bootcamp.

10:30 pm

Sinn introduces us to Tyler Durden. Its kind of a shock to actually meet Tyler as he is a bit of a mythic figure in the PUA community, as he rarely is heard from outside his blog. Tyler tells us that he recently came across our site and was really impressed. He invites us to meet up with him after the bootcamp to talk business.

11:00 pm

Pete the Freshman rides the mechanical bull to a standing ovation. Everyone else lasted less than 5 seconds… Pete never got thrown off. Pete, who rocked a cowboy hat all weekend, may have found his true calling in life.

11:30 pm

The time change (it is really 2:30am for us) and lack of sleep the night before begin to catch up to us. As much as we want to hang around and chat with Tyler, we decide that we are better off getting some rest so we are supercharged for the conference in the morning.

Continued on next page…

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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences.  For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.

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