Cool Shit: Flux Capacitor
The hardest part about dating a girl who was into Michael J. Fox was fulfilling her kinkiest Back to The Future Fantasies. 80s Vest… check! Weird Doctor Friend…. check! Working DeLorean Time Machine… nope. That was until I found a Flux Capacitor anyways. You might have better luck, but I think mines broken. My time machine only goes forward in time at regular speed (Essentially it’s my shitty Saturn SC2 spray painted metallic silver with DoLorean written on the side it permanent marker, but it got the job done). You can pick one up from Things From Another World for around $220 bucks.
About PeteTheFreshman Finding hot chicks, gadgets and hanging out with bands is a tough job, but someone has to do it... Self proclaimed gonzo journalist, tech monkey, and lush, PeteTheFreshman writes the posts that require the least amount of writing skill.