Better Than Lucy: The Top 5 Funny-Hot Women Working Today
Last weekend, saw the release of the much-anticipated – at least by me – Seth Rogan-starring, Jody Hill-directing “Observe & Report” [insta-review: Eh] and much of the commentary surrounding the film’s release has been focused on the “brave performance” of Anna Faris. (At least, the commentary that didn’t focus on the date rape scene.) Now, I’ve never been the biggest Anna Faris fan – she seems to play the same annoyingly ditzy character in every movie – but the fact that she’s an attractive girl working in comedic pursuits gives us an excuse to make a list of the top five funny-hot women working today. (Spoiler: Faris doesn’t make the list.) Feel free to voice your complaints at the list in the comments section below.
5. Cheryl Hines
You can argue that she hasn’t done much other than “Curb Your Enthusiasm” (unless you count the Robin Williams vehicle “R.V”, which you shouldn’t) or that there are younger, more attractive options out there to claim a spot in the top five. But either of those arguments are completely wrong and would make you an idiot.
About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.