Cool Shit: OnPoint Tactical Survival School
OnPoint Tactical’s primary customers are members of the military, law enforcement, and government security contractors. OnPoint Tactical LLC also develops courses for civilian customers who want to be prepared for uncertain times. So be it Zombie Apocalypse, a one armed man killing your wife or your UPS plane crashing in the ocean, these guys will have you covered… personally the class that stood out most for me was Advanced Urban Escape and Evasion:
This course will add new skills to the Urban Escape & Evasion graduate but will primarily focus on field applications. Students will spend time in the city in an extensive (extended) escape and evasion simulation. Students will be required to obtain food, water, and shelter. They will need to avoid capture, and they will be required to complete several tests or scenarios that will require advanced students to truly apply their Scout and urban survival skills. Warning: Massive waiver required for this course!Â
Perfect for when I steal the Declaration of Indepence on my next national treasure hunt. Check out the rest of the classes on their website.
About PeteTheFreshman Finding hot chicks, gadgets and hanging out with bands is a tough job, but someone has to do it... Self proclaimed gonzo journalist, tech monkey, and lush, PeteTheFreshman writes the posts that require the least amount of writing skill.