Gun to the Head Pick-Up
10 hyper-effective secrets for the player who must either pull chicks… or perish.
A man by the name of John Carlton coined the phrase “Gun to the head” selling.? It is basically the mindset of what strategies you would need to take if you absolutely positively had to succeed in making a sale Well, I adjusted that concept…? And made a list of the ten simple strategies that you would need to implement if someone was holding a gun to your head and telling you that you had to pick-up a woman.
10 Strategies of “Gun to the Head” Pick-Up
1.? Don’t toy with your love life. When you’re talking to a woman you’re interested in don’t gamble. As the words flow out of your mouth screen what you’re saying.? Ask yourself: Would I use this opener… this story… this gesture… if my life depended on the success of this approach?
2. Every statement must pass the “So What” test. Anytime a girl finds herself saying “so what” to herself, you’ve lost her. She will not be bored or confused while talking to a random guy in a bar. Be absolutely brutal with yourself.? She will shrug and move on to someone else the second you lose her interest.
3.? Get in bed with the women you want. You can’t go after a woman you don’t respect or understand.? Your number one job as a successful player is to get in synch with the woman’s inner most desires.? You should understand what her dreams are worries are.? And you must feel comfortable moving in her world.
4.? It’s all about HER needs.? She may think you’re a swell guy, but you’ll never get her to commit to you unless you appeal to her selfish needs.? She doesn’t care how great of a guy you are.? She wants to know what’s in it for her.? Can you offer her social value?? Excitement?? Adventure?? Mind blowing sex?? A powerful understanding of her deepest desires?? This will close the deal.
5.? Have sympathy with her natural skepticism.? No matter how cool, calm, and seductive you are… she will not roll over and play dead simple because you asked nice.? She doesn’t believe you.? She is constantly hit on by guy’s promising her the world.? If she took every guy up on his offer for a date her schedule would be booked till 2020.? You have to recognize that disbelief that you’re the real deal- and confront it.
6.? Find a parade and get in front of it. If you’re life depended on picking up a woman tonight would you go for the women with boyfriends?? The women standing in the corner looking at their watches?? No.? You would go for the women who look like they are out for a good time.? The women who look like they are open to meeting and connecting with a stranger.
7. Romance the hell out of her.? This DOES NOT mean complimenting her, buying her drinks, or reciting poems… this means being the charming, charismatic, seductive, Don Jaun that hides inside of you.? Seduce smoothly… and never be a bragging, obnoxious jerk.? Your job is to ignite the passion inside of her heart.
8.? Steal, spy, and swipe.? Do you have competition who is doing much better than you are?? Find out why.? Find out what bars they are going to.? Find out what opening lines they are using.? Find out what kind of clothes they are wearing.? Do all these things too.? Copy their techniques, if they’re more successful than you.
9.? Make your conversations a “greased slide.” The greatest conversations that we ever had our like a greased slide.? She gets in at the beginning, and is rushed at a giddy pace straight through every story, every word, every physical escalation until she arrives at the close, breathless and so excited that she can’t wait for you to finally lean in and kiss her.? Every point must be an emotionally logical step in.? that exact direction you want her to go.? You want to fill every one of her needs, counter every one of her objections, and hit every one of her “hot buttons.”
10. Study great players.? Finally, here is a list of books I’ve had in my collection the last couple of years.? I am always astonished at the wisdom and the skills available in these few books:
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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.