Brad P’s “The Forbidden Truth” Manuscript
As some of you know last November we voted Brad P the number one pickup artist of 2008. This surprised many of you who may not have been familiar with Brad’s material.
Brad P has been on the scene for a few years and has silently produced a ton of great products, as well as writing many classic articles on pickup, fashion, and dating.
I recently completed an interview with Brad that I will be posting here next week, but for now I wanted to pass along this manuscript that Brad wrote in regards to the way that men learn seduction. I think this is an extremely important manuscript as it contains what essentially is “the forbidden truth” that most gurus don’t want you to know. This manuscript is addressed primarily to the guy’s struggling to practice this stuff, who spend more time on the computer than in the field.
I am making this 27 page manuscript, written by the world’s top rated PUA, available to as a free download to all of our members here at TSB. If you’re a member simply login and come back to this page and the download link will be available. If you’re not a member, simply sign up. In addition to this free report, you’ll receive a ton of other exclusive content.
Also, I highly recommend checking out some of Brad’s material, especially his now classic Fashion Bible, which really is a must-read for all men out there.
Download Brad P’s The Forbidden Truth Manuscript
About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.