"Family Guy” Accused Of Indecency
Good to see the PTC is on top of the hit new shows these days.
According to THE LIVE FEED,the Parents Television Council has another TV show in their crosshairs: the always-raunchy and mostly-hilarious “Family Guy”. This time because of an episode that aired on March 8th that included, at least according to the PTC’s press release, “bestiality, orgies and babies eating sperm.” I know. Bunch of prudes, right?
More hilarity from the official press release:
“Fox treated viewers to everything from an ‘eleven-way’ gay orgy to baby Stewie eating a bowl of cereal with horse sperm instead of milk … if that isn’t enough, the show’s leading character is also shown fanaticizing about his wife and moaning while a horse licks his bare behind.”
Of course, from the “Family Guy” episodes that I’ve seen, this horse sperm gag (or the horse licking Peter’s bare behind gag, for that matter) rank somewhere in the mid-thousands as to the level of grossness included in past shows. Why the PTC would focus on this particular episode – other than perhaps that one of the committee members having an unfortunate incident as a child with horse sperm – doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. Unless, of course, their actual goal is getting everyone pumped up about watching the show this upcoming week. Because that’s what it’s doing to me. Now, that’s what I call viral marketing!
But enough chit-chat, let’s show the “horse sperm incident”:
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About Rick Mosely Rick is the editor for TSB magazine.