Three Main Ways Facebook Can Help You Score
‘ve got to know a lot of guys who have absolutely no association with social media outlets like Myspace and Facebook because they think it’s “gay” or for girls, or just can’t be bothered to waste their time. Although I never got into the Myspace fad, I almost wish I had after the way I’ve learned to harness my Facebook.
If used properly Facebook can be an excellent tool to help give guys a bit of an edge when it comes to picking up,, a tool which I try to use as often as possible. Here are the 3 main ways Facebook can help get you laid:
There’s no doubt this is an obvious way Facebook can help to pump you up a little bit. All you have to do is let your profile do the bragging for you. If a girl logs on and checks your profile and sees your 600 friends, 500 great party pics of you, and a dozen or so good looking girls leaving little messages for you all day, she’s definitely going to know you’re hot shit. The bonus here is that you’ll also seem modest because you don’t have to chat yourself up, she’s always going to know how badass you really are.
The second way facebook can improve your game is by using a little forward thinking. What I’m specifically talking about is the “events” feature of the site. This basically allows you to see who’s going to be where. You’ll be able to know which girls will be showing up to what parties and who your competition is going to be. Once you get fairly good at figuring this out you’ll know how to plan your night accordingly. It’s simple strategy: do a little research and come up with a game plan.
Okay, I know how bad that sounds but there are a few different ways that this technique (if you can call it that) can help you out. We’ll start off with the good old follow up. Say you’re at a party, and you warm up to this cute little honey and lay a little groundwork. You decide you need another beer so you excuse yourself and go track down something else to drink. On your way, one of your buddies talks you into doing keg stands, or a couple of waterfalls and next thing you know you’re not only peaced from the night but you’ve totally blown it with that babe. I’ve been there, done that (recently) and followed up only to have her in my bed in less than a week. Chances are she was a little upset you never made your way back to her, but she really wants to see you again, so put forth the effort and real her in.
Facebook creeping can also definitely help you to get to know a girl a bit before attempting to hook up, so you don’t make a complete ass of yourself. Hit up her profile, find out what she’s into and what she hates, even memorize it if you have to. If she’s an obvious vegetarian, don’t go bragging about how many cute, innocent animals you’ve shot. Just play your strengths, and try and focus on the things you have in common.
Picking up on Facebook is sort of like a sport, and you need to keep in mind you’re in competition with everyone. Why not put your high speed connection to use and give yourself a bit of an edge?
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About Nathan Poortinga Nathan is a 20 year old journalism student from London, Ontario who constantly hones his drinking abilities. Since public school, Nathan has been giving relationship advice to both sexes, giving him a deep knowledge of the female mind and causing him to often be regarded as a “wolf in sheep’s clothingâ€. Nathan’s entire philosophy on life is centered around taking in all available experiences and enjoying life. Nathan spends every free moment with friends, succumbing to one of his many vices and has no plans to change his behavior because this is what makes him happy.