How to Get an Ex Back
I have not hidden the fact that I have had my heart ripped apart on a couple occasions over the years. Considering all of the girls I’ve been with, the ratio is still vastly in my favor… but the fact is, I hate losing.
Years ago there was Beth, who left me a battered man. I was about to move in with her. I had a cruise planned. I thought I would marry her. She had other plans.
Years later, after being hardened through a barrage of one night stands, foreign romances, and random flings… I truly thought I was incapable of loving ever again.
Well, if you read The Anatomy of the Sickness, you know I was wrong, and that love once again crushed old Bobby’s spirits.
What I often ask myself is, knowing what I know now, would I have done what it takes to get them back?
At the time, when I wanted them back so badly, I did nearly everything wrong. And those mistakes led me to be the man I am today. I really don’t believe I would be any happier right now with either of the two girls still in my life.
Although I always advise guys with a broken heart to “move on to something better,” I also understand the sheer difficulty of doing just that.
As I wrote about in The Anatomy of the Sickness, and then explained further in a podcast on the subject, chances are you are doing everything entirely wrong in regards to winning your ex back over.
When I think of the commonalities between the two times I lost the girl, I see a repetition in my behavior:
It all felt so right at the time, but it was all so completely wrong.
Recently I came across this book Magic of Making Up and my initial impression was to dismiss it as another feminine approach to working things out.
Then I read the entire letter and a flood of emotions came over me, remembering just how cool and icy the love of my life’s became as I tried to win them back “the wrong way.” It seemed the harder I tried, the more distant and unemotional they became, almost like I was making it easier for them.
Breaking up is never easy, but some times it is unavoidable. But for those girls that you truly believe are the one, I would recommend shelling out the $39 on a book like this. Hell, during my two breakups I would spend more on booze trying to forget about the girl.
These are just a few tips for you. If you are serious about getting an ex back ( and be honest with yourself as to whether or not it is really for the best) I would recommend picking up a copy of the book Magic of Making Up.
I thought I knew a lot from everything I learned through my two disastrous experiences, but this book has some original ideas that I truly believe will help you win your ex back.
Do I wish I had read a book like this back when Beth left me?
It would have saved me a lot of temporary pain… but in the long run, no, I’m glad I learned through my mistakes.
If you think that losing this person might be a bigger mistake then keeping her, buy the book.
If not, there are plenty, and I mean plenty, of eager, attractive, sexy, and cool chicks out there waiting for a guy like you to seduce them.
About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.