Scoring at Holiday Parties
It is that wonderful time of year. Chances are you’ll have at least a couple holiday parties to attend. These parties are the perfect opportunity to score with some girls.
I love holiday parties for three reasons:
1. Warm Leads. All the girls that you will meet at these parties will be connected to you in some way. This means that it will be completely natural to start a conversation with them. Chances are you’ll already have something in common with them, whether it be a mutual friend, same job, or same industry. This adds a necessary element of comfort that will increase your odds of hooking up the same night.
2. Holiday Spirit. Let’s face it, everyone tends to drink and party just a little bit more around the holidays. Everyone is loser and just over all in a better mood. Guards tend to go down, and people are usually more receptive to interacting with the new people.
3. Christmas Crush. I can tell you one thing from experience. No girl wants to be alone for the holidays. Every single girl has the dream in the back of her mind of meeting a Christmas crush. This dream can be so dominant that they will even wind up with a guy they normally would have avoided. You can be that guy!
Approaching and attracting at holiday parties are quite different than going after random girls in a bar. There are some definite rules to follow that will make your chances much easier.
Awhile back, I posted a great article by The Mystery Method about Scoring at Holiday Parties.
If you fail with a girl or a group, KNOW that everyone else saw it. In fact, anything you do while in a conversation will be reported. For example, let’s say that you start the night by talking for 10 minutes to Tanya and Peter [random names for this example]. Lets say Im not very good at storytelling, so I don’t get through the attraction phase and I make a bad impression. Later on, I get warmed up, and I meet Sarah. Things go much better with her. But then I call her next day and she doesnt answer. What happened?
Probably, Sarah, Peter, and Tanya have friends in common. Now Sarah hears about my earlier rejection and that other people think of me as low value. Sarah reconsiders. Does she really want go out with someone elses reject? Does she really want to date a low-value guy? Does she want to be the girl who dates the guy who other people were laughing at? Remember, not only Tanya and Peter know this story, but their friends might too “ and a lot of mutual friends were probably at the party in the first place! Remember “ a womans social value derives to some extent from the quality of man she is with. Its unfair, sure, but thats life.
I highly recommend reading the entire article on Scoring at Holiday Parties before attending one.
I would also suggest listening to a podcast that we did about meeting girls at parties. Although you will have to adjust some of the rules if it is a workplace environment… the basic principles are the same.
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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.