Roosh V’s Day Game Work Shop
Roosh just made me aware that he will putting on a four hour day game- infield- workshop. The workshop will take place in the DC area. At $125 this is a great opprtunity for guys who want to improve their day game or coffee shop pickups.
Here is more info:
Workshop Itinerary
2:00-2:30: Instruction on how to pick up at each of the six venues.
2:30-3:15: Coffee shop game. We may have to hit a couple coffee shops to squeeze in at least one approach.
3:15-3:45: Street game. You’ll do at least five approaches here because of the abundance of girls walking around. I will teach you the logistics of approaching a girl on the street, including how to get them to stop.
3:45-4:30: Book Store. We will find girls in the magazine section, bestsellers, gift book section, and then finally the cafe. There are two bookstores we can visit.
4:30-5:00: Subway. We are going to take the Metro to a different retail section of town. Here we will hop between train cars until we find girls that we can talk to with my subway opener.
5:00-5:15: Grocery Store. We will go to a yuppie grocery store, grab a basket, and start putting shit in it to make
it seem like we’re real shoppers. After we approach a couple girls we’ll ditch our basket in the produce section.
5:15-5:50: Retail. We’ll head inside stores and talk to girls shopping for the holidays.
5:50-6:00: Debrief. I’ll give you a report card on how you did from notes I took of your approaches and style.
For more information on this workshop that will take place on December 20th visit ROOSHV.COM.
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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.