Britney Spears Peforming Live at Bambi Awards
I admit it. I find Britney Spears sexy. Even more now than 10 years ago. Why? Because she is so deliciously trashy. And because we all know that a Britney Spears sex tape is so close I can feel it.
10 years ago it would have been impossible to get within 100 feet of her. Now it is perfectly reasonable to think if I run into her one night at The Palms in Vegas… you could be looking at the next K-Fed.
I’m not too good hang out on yachts with Britney. I’ve done worse. Trust me.
And you have to admit she looks a lot better than she did at the 2007 VMAs.
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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.