Beer For Different Occasions
Beer ? a real mans drink.
Wine Lovers out there will keep arguing that wine is stronger and more flavoursome, but we all know that beer is the real drink. The only problem we face is simply which beer to drink. Theres such a large variety, that most of us simply dont know which one to drink half the time. I mean, sure, you know what you want to order when you go to a bar, perhaps a Corona (As I do), or maybe something a little stronger. But is the same when you go to a family lunch? I cant even imagine drinking a Corona while eating lunch. Itd just feelstrange.
Whats more, with the huge variety of beer out there, you shouldnt have to drink the same ol beverage, day in, day out.
And, to cut a long story short, I made a guide of sorts to help you out in this task.
Lunch Beer
Lunchtime is normally when the first beers are opened, (although one time I ate cereal with beer) and its a time of day when you havent really eaten much prior to the beer. Unless you want to be tripping over your own feet and slurring for the rest of the day, itd be a smart idea to drink a “session beer” instead of a strong one. If I was you, I stick to the 3-4% stuff. One of my favourites is “Jupiter” which is only 3.4%, but still has a strong taste. Most of the time, youll be able to tell which beer is a session beer by is bottle, or name. It will usually have “IPA” in there somewhere.
Afternoon Beer
My favourite time of the day to drink beer. During the afternoon, I usually go for something quite refreshing; usually an ale of some sort. I recommend Harveys Pale Ale (3.5%) if its early afternoon, and Southdown Harvest Ale (5.5%) if its a bit later on. This is also a prime time to drink some of the big names that we both know ? the typical Foster’s, Corona, Bud Light, Heineken and so forth.
Late Night Beer
Now this is highly dependent on the kind of mood you’re in. If you’re still in a party sort of mood, carry on with the Fosters, Bud Light etc. etc., but if you want to end the night nicely, Young’s Double Chocolate Stout always does it for me.
Now that was a quite vague and general, so here’s a bit more on specific circumstances.
Picnic Beer
I personally think that the perfect picnic beer would have to be a Belgian Fruit Beer by the name of Liefmans Kriekbier. It’s a cherry beer, and complements picnic foods very well (Cheese, fruits, desserts). The cherry tanginess is one that I find very nice, and it’s also a great beer for those who hate ale, as the cherries mask the taste of the ale very well.
Low Cal Beer
If you’re trying to get an alpha male body, but still want a good beer to drink,I ‘d say your best choice would be Guinness, which might shock a few of you. However, a 12-oz of Guinness is only 125 kcal, which is pretty low for a beer.
Fancy Beer
Want to impress that special someone? Or just want to seem classy at a restaurant, whilst still drinking beer? I’ve heard many good things about Victory Prima Pils, and it seems to go down well at dinner parties, or so I’ve heard.
Hopefully at the end of this article, you’ve learnt that there’s more to picking beers than just the usual at your local bar. It IS worth varying your beers a bit. Don’t settle for just the usual lagers or beers all the time; try another.
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About Anthony Duong Anthony currently lives in London, UK, and has returned there after quitting his job in Hong Kong, where he worked as an English Teacher. He's a gym rat, and loves to play rugby. He is currently working as a Soccer Coach for teenagers, where he passes on his extensive knowledge on all things. He also loves to play the guitar.