Carnal Knowledge: Awesome Sex

Today I will bring the second of a four-part series: Awesome Sex. This was a surprisingly tricky column to write because sex can be awesome for so many different reasons. It can be awesome because of the partner, the circumstances, the sex itself or any combination of the three. I have had quite a lot good sex in my life, but what times moved beyond “good” into “awesome?”

To jog my memory, I consulted The List. When I was a junior in high school, I realized that I’d already kissed quite a few boys and that later in life I may not remember all of them, so I started writing them all down. Every boy I’ve ever kissed is on the list: first name, last name, the date, and what we did. It’s really nice to have the list now because, as I said last week, I’ve been dating for 13 years and I’ve kissed quite a few guys. I would never remember them all otherwise, but now I can. [Ed. Note: Claire spent the next 15 minutes reading back over her list and reminiscing.] No, I will not tell you how many names are on it. But after consulting The List, I have come up with the following Awesome Sex Stories.

*Evil Claire*

In high school, every summer I participated in our local theatre’s summer musical. The summer they did Pirates of Penzance, I auditioned but did not get cast. Unfortunately for the show (but fortunately for me), an actress had to quit five days before opening night and they called me to come learn her part. When I got to my first rehearsal, I couldn’t help but notice that Garrett, the guy playing the lead, was incredibly good looking. Tall, blonde, big eyes, great smile *and* he could sing.

I leaned over to my best friend and whispered, “I’m going to make out with him before the show is over.” She whispered back, “Kate, the girl playing opposite him is his girlfriend.” I responded, “We’ll see.”

Over the next two weeks (one week of rehearsal and one week of performances), I put my plan into action. I never had a curfew in high school because my parents just trusted me, so I stayed out most nights after rehearsal with the college-aged cast members. Many nights it was just me, Kate and Garrett. I would’ve gladly settled for a threesome because Kate was a cutie, but I knew she’d never go for it, so I set my sights on Garrett.

Kate made it fairly easy for me because even though she was in college, she still lived at home and couldn’t come sneaking in at all hours. So many nights when we were hanging out, she would leave before I would, leaving Garrett and me alone. I knew I had to play it just right though, so I waited. I flirted with him and definitely let him know I was interested, but never made a move.

Finally on the last night of the show, several of us ended up at Garrett’s house, drinking and hanging out. One by one people left, until it was just me, Garrett and Kate lying on a futon mattress in the backyard. I thought perhaps my threesome idea might work out, but eventually I outlasted Kate and she had to go home. After she left, I put the ball in Garrett’s corner with an “I can leave if you want. I don’t want to keep you up too late.” Garrett just laughed and laid back down on the futon. I looked at him and he shook his head, saying, “You are dangerous.” Then he kissed me.

We went inside and proceeded to have an absolutely wild night of sex. He spent about 30 minutes going down on me with some tasty oil that got hot and tingled when he blew on it. When we finally started fucking, he was throwing me around like a doll. I’m a tall girl and that hardly ever happens to me, but Garrett was tall and strong enough that we could change positions without need for reentry. We had sex for hours.

When we were done, he took my hand and silently led me down the hall to the bathroom, where we took a hot shower. He washed my hair and we had sex again, standing up in the shower. It was amazing. When we were done, Garrett and I kissed for awhile out by my car and then I went home as the sun was coming up. We never told Kate and he never did convince her to have a threesome, so that was my one and only encounter with Garrett.

What made that sex so fucking amazing (on top of the actual sex, because that was damn good) was that it was the culmination of my first real use of my devious side. When I tell people this story, the angel on my shoulder is kind of ashamed that I would purposely and with malice aforethought worm my way into a relationship. The devil on my shoulder is proud. I set my sights on a guy; I worked at getting in between him and his girlfriend; I bided my time and I struck at the right moment. The devil usually wins.

*Here’s to you, Mrs. Sebastian*

Two years ago I studied for a summer in London. My law school has a study abroad program and if youPrivileged View choose to go in the summer, they put you up in a dorm on Russell Square. The other school program in the dorm was a group of Michigan State undergraduates. They were hilarious to hang out with because most of them had never lived in a place where they were old enough to drink.

I particularly hit it off with a group of five guys who were there for a film program. I received no end of teasing from my law school friends because I was a 25 year-old law student hanging out with five 19 year-olds. One of them was a fellow named Rich who won my heart by singing karaoke with me and then walking me home from the bar when I was ready to leave and none of my law school friends were.

We ended up having a torrid affair for the rest of the summer. What made Rich such amazing sex was that 1) he was damn excited to have snagged a 25 year-old woman and 2) that he was uncircumcised. He is the first and only man I’ve been with who is uncircumcised, but I have to say I’m a fan.

First off, the attraction of a younger man. Coo coo ca-choo, indeed. Rich would’ve done anything for me. He had found an attractive, experienced woman who would go out and drink beer, not care if he talked to other girls because she knew he was coming home with her, and then take him home and fuck his brains out. No drama, no neediness or clinging. Just really good sex.

Secondly, the uncircumcised part. It was an incredible feeling. The best night was when somehow Rich had maneuvered himself so that when he thrust into me he was also rubbing my clitoris. It also just felt different with an uncircumcised penis. The skin kind of bunched up and the texture on the nerves inside me was an incredible turn-on. When I started to come, Rich said that the contractions were more intense than he had ever felt and they made him start to come too. I then actually felt him coming inside me, which was a first. We rode the wave of orgasm for longer than I ever had come before. It was mind-blowing.

*Antici… pation*

I have this friend. We’ll call him Travis. I met him a year ago and we hit it off instantly. When we hooked up for the first time, I was staying with a friend in his hometown and he was briefly living at home in between leases, so we had to get a hotel room. We’ve kept in touch and get to see each other several times a year, but have always just been friends who hooked a couple times in the beginning of the friendship.

Fast forward to a couple months ago. Travis had to be near where I was living for a wedding and we made arrangements to hang out the night before the ceremony. I was going to crash in his hotel room for the night, but didn’t really think anything of it. We were just friends and he now had a girlfriend.

I picked him up at the airport and things were a little weird at first. When I finally asked him why things were so awkward, he reminded me that the last time we’d stayed in a hotel together was the first time we slept together and it was a year ago almost to the day. Kind of a weird coincidence.

We went out to dinner, a couple drinks loosened us up a little and suddenly it was like we’d never been apart. However, because of the girlfriend, we were doing the strictly platonic thing and I was fine with that. Travis and I met up with his other friends in town for the wedding and proceeded to have a nice night on the town. When it was time to leave, we hopped in a cab. Travis pulled me close to him and I laid across his lap. He was absently stroking my hair. It was nice. It was comfortable. Then he leaned down and kissed me.

That was it. We paid for our cab and went upstairs to the room. Travis told me that nothing was going to happen and that he’d sleep on the couch. I told him not to be silly, that it was a king-sized bed and that I wasn’t going to ravish him in his sleep. When he went into the bathroom to get ready for bed, I changed into my t-shirt and running shorts, then flopped down on the bed.

All night I had been wondering if something was going to happen. The more we drank, the more touchy-feely we got and all I could think about was whether or not he’d make a move. He finally made one in the cab, only to shut me down. Needless to say, I was disappointed.

When Travis came out of the bathroom, I just laid there, eyes closed, waiting to see if he was really going to sleep on the couch. But all of a sudden, he was over me and he was kissing me and without speaking, without needing to, the clothes were coming off. I didn’t need to get my motor running. It had been idling at a steady hum since I first saw him at the airport. I didn’t need foreplay. I’d been wet since he kissed me in the cab. We just suddenly needed each other. He was kissing me and biting my neck and sucking on my nipples. I was stroking him and taking his hard cock in my mouth and then suddenly he was just inside me. I reached down to touch myself and we came together, legs wrapped around his muscled torso, sweaty and panting. He held me for a minute, we kissed and then we went to sleep.

It happened again in the morning, but it was slower and more deliberate. It didn’t have the urgency of the night before. And that’s why the first time that weekend is on my list of Amazing Sex. We hadn’t seen each other in 7 months. We were together all afternoon and evening, behaving ourselves and being friends. The anticipation of what might happen later the build up to the climax the all-day foreplay made the sex incredible.

Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Email See you guys next week!

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About Claire Sebastian Claire Sebastian is a recent law school graduate looking to hold on to the one remaining piece of her soul by penning a weekly sex column for TSB Magazine. Turn-ons include witty banter, intelligent debates, “These Arms of Mine” by Otis Redding, being kissed on her neck, singing along under your breath while dancing with her, and running your hand through her hair. She can be found writing at various other sites online but under a different name. Guess you’ll just have to wonder where…

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