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Picking out a Cool Pair of Shades
Posted July 5, 2008
If you don\'t have a pair of sunglasses by this point of the summer, you\'re probably in desperate straits to find some. Well, before you go out to your local \"2 for $20!\" Sungla ...
How to Deal with a Girl with a Boyfriend
Posted July 5, 2008
I want to thank Substance for sending in this hilarious video. We\'ve all gotten the boyfriend objection at some point and I\'m sure we\'ve all wanted to deal with it just like th ...
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Posted July 3, 2008
We all care way too much what a complete stranger that knows nothing about us thinks. Fear of rejection is the underlying emotion in most approaches. The thought of a beautiful wo ...
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Roosh Says: Don’t Let Your Muscles Do The Talking
Posted July 3, 2008
Question: Theres been this girl that I have been dying to talk to at this gym I go to. I never give her the time of day, but once in a while Ill catch her eying me. Whats the best ...
Posted July 3, 2008
This is the 17th day of our 31 Days to Better Game series.? The last couple days we\'ve dealt with some online dating strategies... Now we\'re going to go into some strategies for ...
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Why Getting a Dog will Improve Your Life this Summer
Posted July 2, 2008
Sure, it\'s easy to focus on the annoying part of owning a dog... cleaning up crap, chewed up socks, expensive vet visits... but these are just the small price you have to pay for ...