10 Best Ways to Burn Calories this Summer Without Going to the Gym
Hate spending time in the gym? Get bored walking on a treadmill or lifting weights?
I found a website that computes exactly how many calories you’ll burn performing 222 different activities. The activities listed below are the ones that had the best combination of being both fun and productive at burning calories.
All of the calories listed next to each activity are based on 160 pound guy with just twenty minute duration.
Even the laziest of us should be able to find one activity on this list that we would enjoy spending just twenty minutes performing C’mon, get off the computer, turn off the TV, and get outside. Just because you play Nintendo WII doesn’t mean you’re getting enough exercise.
Not only are these great for burning calories, but theyre also great stress reducers. There is no better way to eliminate stress and anxiety than taking your mind off it with a quick competitive sport.
10 Fun Ways to Burn Calories
10. Hiking (burn 145.4) Im not talking about hiking up huge mountains or anything. I’m just talking about hiking around a camp ground, local park, or any off road area. Hiking is great because you can do it alone, can put on your IPod and blast some music, and get to enjoy nature.
9. Ultimate Frisbee (burn 193.3) Ultimate Frisbee can be a really fun game. Most of the time games will last close to an hour so you can triple the amount of calories burned. If you don’t have a group to play with, there are leagues in most cities.
8. Beach Volleyball (burn 193.9) What better way to spend some time than jumping in a game of volleyball on the beach. Usually there is always a game going on that you can weasel your way into. Volleyball is also a sport women can play, so you’ll usually be sharing the court with some cuties. Use this time wisely.
7. Basketball Game (burn 193.9) Go to the local court and I’m sure you can find at least one more person to have a quick one on one game with. Basketball involves a lot of running up and down a court… and will give you a nice cardiovascular workout.
6. Flag Football (burn193.9) You can usually find a league advertised at a local college. If not search online and I’m sure you’ll find something within driving range. Football can be a blast to play. If you can’t find a good league… Consider starting one up yourself.
5. Mountain Biking (burn 206) Like hiking, mountain biking is great because it gives you an opportunity to get closer to nature. And also like hiking, you don’t need anyone else to do it. Just grab a bike and head to an area that caters to it.
4. Racquetball (burn 242) Racquetball is great because it only requires one other person to get a good competitive game going. Many parks will have a wall designed for racquetball. If you’ve ever played this you know that you will be sweating your butt off after just twenty minutes.
3. Water Polo (burn 242.4) I don’t know how easy it will be organize a game of water polo but it is definitely worth the effort. The sport burns boat loads of calories and provides the added bonus of being played in a pool. Who doesn’t love being in a pool during hot summer days?
2. Dodge ball (burn 290) Dodge ball can be a blast to play. Especially if you don’t like the team you’re playing against. There are plenty of dodge ball leagues in any major city. Join up and have some fun a couple days a week.
1. Roller Blading (burn 303) Even if you’re not gay or a hockey player, you can still enjoy roller blading. It is great because its something you can do completely on your own. You can put some tunes in your IPod head to the park and skate around. It burns quite a bit of calories and is something can be pretty fun once you get good.
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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.