Why Getting a Dog will Improve Your Life this Summer
Sure, it’s easy to focus on the annoying part of owning a dog… cleaning up crap, chewed up socks, expensive vet visits… but these are just the small price you have to pay for the life changing benefits that come with shacking up with man’s best friend.
1. More Exercise. This dog is guaranteed to be a bundle of energy. He will always be up for a jog in the park, a game of Frisbee, tug of war, or tag. If you indulged his desire to constantly be playing you’ll shed those extra five pounds in a matter of weeks.
2. Great Wingman. Two guys are strolling down the street. A hot girl comes walking from the opposite direction. Who does she stop and talk to? Run out of conversation at a bar? Pull out your cell phone and spend 10 minutes showing pictures of your dog, and telling cute stories about it. Bring a girl back to your place… no easier way to make a girl comfortable then by seeing the love your little pooch has for you.
3. Perfect Support System. Some girl broke your heart? Who else is going to sit unconditionally by you and never once say “I told you so.” Yes, no matter how bad things get this little guy will always be there wagging his tail when you get home. He doesn’t care if you’re just getting back from a three day coke and hooker bender… he loves you just the same.
4. A reminder that life doesn’t have to be complicated. Jobs, relationships, anxieties… these are just human problems. The pooch does what he wants; when he wants. When you’re stressed out over a deadline, he’ll remind you that there is always time to squeeze in a quick game of fetch. When you’re broke as a joke… he’ll remind you that the food you’re eating still tastes a boat load better than his.
5. He’s a constant reminder to put off having kids as long as possible. When you start feeling your biological clock ticking… you just need to spend five minutes looking down at that attention starved, time stealing, money draining, furniture ruining mut… and realize that he’s still one hundred less than work than the kid would be.
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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.