What it Means to Be A Man
Women want real men but in today’s society that is damn hard to find.
Women have lost faith, respect, trust and especially ATTRACTION for the mamma’s boys that walk the streets today-ones who should be checking female on their physical form instead of male. Most “men” haven’t the slightest clue on how to be a man who does it for her and himself. So, what is a real man?
The only quality that separates a man from a boy is courage-that’s it. The willingness and courage to push past fears, obstacles, resistance etc is what makes a man. All other qualities that come to mind when you think of what a REAL man is only come as a result of having courage.
A man is honest. Without courage you can’t be honest because honesty isn’t always the popular choice. When you are completely honest you run the risk of losing many things including friends, family, jobs and WOMEN.
People are basically full of shit and will lie to you and themselves all day long. Whenever they meet someone who is completely honest it scares the crap out of them because they fear that this person might reveal to them something they didn’t want to admit to themselves. Whether it be a fear, insecurity, judgment of themselves and so on, meeting an honest person is not something they want to do because they don’t have the courage to be honest in the first place.
I can’t count how many friends and women I have lost when I made the choice to completely honest with myself and others.
People generally lie for two reasons:
1. To hold onto something they don’t want to lose
2. Not lose the possibility of gaining something
So you might lie to your girlfriend about watching porn because you don’t want to lose her or you might tell a date that you drive a BMW 500 series and that it’s in the shop because you don’t want to lose out on getting the girl.
People lie because they are scared of losing or scared of not getting but it’s all based in FEAR. To be completely honest you must have the courage to push past that fear, to say fuck it and do it anyways.
All fears are illusions, they aren’t real. You might feel them completely, the nervousness, the shaky hands but they aren’t real. Every time after you push past a fear and your heart rate calms down you ALWAYS think “that wasn’t that bad, what the hell was I scared of?”
A man is confident. Confidence doesn’t come from NLP, Hypnosis, of any other emotional balancing system. Those things definitely HELP but they will never work as well as having courage. Every time you push past a fear you gain confidence. Why?
The mind/ego is a fear producing machine. It loves to keep you nice and scared because it will have the greatest control over you. Control is how the ego gets fed and survives. If it were to lose all control over you, you would no longer have an ego.
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About Alex S Alex is a brutally honest, charismatic, Relationship Sex and Dating Master, take no shit, compassionate, loving, meditating, self educated, truth Seeking, Natural born leader, spiritual warrior, passionate writer and teacher.