7 Secrets for Getting Out of a Slump
Slumps are a part of human nature. We all go through them. Sometimes we get in a financial slump where we just can’t get caught up on bills. Other times we go through a dating slump (draught) where it seems like we’ll never kiss a girl again. And other times we go through a health slump where we seem to just entirely let ourselves go.
The most frustrating thing about slumps is that more you try to get out of one; the further along you seem to fall into it. Effectively removing yourself from a slump can be a struggle, but with the right motivation you can get right back on track in no time.
Here are 7 Ways to Motivate Yourself out of a Slump
1. Start Small. One of the biggest obstacles people face in overcoming slumps is they become intimidated by the task at hand. For instance, if you’ve been single for a long time, the mere thought of the time and energy involved in starting a relationship can scare the crap out of you. This prevents people from making any effort at all to interact with new people. Instead of focusing on building a relationship; focus on just talking to a couple new people a day. If you’re dreading putting seven days a week in at the gym- instead commit to taking one long walk around your block every night. If you want to get your finances in order don’t dwell on how you’re going to pay off that $15,000 credit card debt… just focus on paying off $25 a month.
2. Use Small Successes to Build Momentum. Once you’ve started small you should be able to develop a new routine. Now that you’ve been talking to two new people a day for a week… challenge yourself a bit and start flirting with those two new people. Once you’ve got in the habit of taking a walk every nig ht; do a few crunches when you get home from it. Once you’re no longer missing the $25 a month… start saving $35. The trick is to gradually build momentum based on small accomplishments.
3. Focus on One Goal. Many times the reasons we fall into slumps is because we’ve so over whelmed by everything going on in our life that we choose to negate it all. And then when we try to get back on track, we can’t figure out where to even start. It is impossible to stay energized and focused on improving too many areas at once. It is much better to just pick one goal that you are committed to achieving right away. If you’re lonely, out of shape, and broke… pick the goal that you think will be the best catalyst for improving the other areas later on. It’s quite possible that you’ll find the mere habit of working out daily will motivate you to meet more people and get your finances in order.
4. Get Inspired. If you’re piss poor and think it’s impossible to change your situation read blogs and books from people who were in similar financial states and gone on to make millions. If you’re not having luck meeting a significant other, read the hundreds of stories of guys who were 30 year old virgins who went on to date some of the most beautiful women in the world. The point is you need to continually inspire yourself and at the same time remind yourself that it is completely possible.
5. Carry your Goal Around With You. Write your goal on an index card and put it in your pocket. Every day, everywhere you go, that goal will be right beside you. When you find yourself losing focus or motivation… pull out the index card and reread your goal. When you read over your goal make sure you’re visualizing yourself as having achieved it. Stare at it and visualize it for however long it takes to snap you back into the right frame of mind.
6. Find some Good Wingmen and Avoid the Negative. It is pretty hard to accomplish something completely on your own. I find its best to let a few select people in on your planned outcome… and ask for their help in achieving it. If you’re looking to get into better shape find a good workout buddy. Find someone who will push you through the rough times. If you’re goal is to get better talking to women; hang around guys who have already improved that area. And ask for advice… Or hang out with guys in the process of changing themselves as well. You really need to avoid the people in your life who bring about a negative influence. There are some people out there who just don’t like seeing other people succeed. These are not the kind of people you want to associate yourself with.
7. Realize Motivation Comes and Goes. You’re not always going to be 100% motivated. Motivation comes and goes. The trick is that when you’re feeling that gust of motivation to ride it out as long as possible. And when that gust dies down… to know that it will arrive again shortly. In the time where you’re motivation is lacking, its best to spend that time reading up on your goals, revising your plan, and talking to your wingmen. This will prevent you from falling back into the slump.
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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.