Roosh Says: Have An Answer Ready When She Asks What You Do
I want to thank Bobby Rio for giving me space here to share answers to the emails I’ve been getting from readers of my book Bang. If you have a question then send it on over to roosh (at) rooshv (dot) com.
Hey Roosh…not sure if this is the right means to ask you a question…but here goes.
You’ve been back in the states for a while now, and from your newsletter it appears that you’re still going out, while unemployed. I am in the same situation, although I am actively looking for a new job. When that inevitable question comes up. How do you respond? Sincerely or with some sort of Banter??
My Answer:
If a girl is attracted to you then it doesn’t matter where you live or what you do, as long as she likes being with you more than the other guys. As hard as it may be to believe, game is all you need, and if you hang out with me regularly you’ll probably find it incredible that quality girls want to date me when I have no real job besides blogging and selling copies of my awesome book (which they don’t even know about).
Sure it wouldn’t hurt me right if I had an awesome six figure job, but it’s not necessary. If anything not having a job give me more free time to go out and date girls. (Danger: if you have no game and you quit your job, you may have lost the one thing holding your life together.)
Here’s one of two answer I give when a girl asks me what I do:
1. “I live off the land.” I tell her I’m an organic farmer and I sell crops at the local farmers market. She will test me and ask me what crops I sell. She’ll know I’m playing around when it takes me a couple seconds to answer. About half of girls drop the issue entirely, but others persist. Then I say something like I’m “mini-retired” and that I’m “independently wealthy” and work on pet projects. I keep it vague and fun.
2. “I’m a starving artist.” She’ll ask me what kind and I say I’m a writer.. “…but I really am starving, in fact right now I could use some food.” I’m not fat so the joke works well.
The fact that I’m a bum living in my Dad’s basement (until the next trip anyway), usually comes out on the first date. I say I just got back from some long-term travel and like living there until I figure out what I want to do, but that I love my step mom’s Persian cooking. On the surface it seems like I’m an underachiever, but many girls see me as risk-taking adventurer and wish they could do something similar.
Being unemployed and living with my Dad doesn’t help me get laid, but it doesn’t hurt as much as I thought it would. The only time it hurts is when I can’t take a girl to her place because she lives with her parents or is visiting from out of town. Then I’m kind of screwed because I have sneak her in and put a pillow over her face while I bang her. In the morning I push her out the back onto the mud field that is getting worse because of bad rainwater drainage.
So Roosh says keep it light, vague, fun, and destroy any notion in your mind that it matters. I guess it’ll matter for a girl looking to find a husband and have kids, but if you’re reading this site then chances are that’s not you.
For more on Roosh, check out our write-up on his book Bang.
About Roosh "Roosh is a Washington DC native and worked as a scientist until he pulled out of the rat race to pursue a slower lifestyle. A member of the old Mystery's Lounge, Roosh built up his game after college, cumulating with the release of his book Bang almost seven years later. Currently he is writing his second book about his six month trip to South America in late 2007."