Badboy on ‘Creating Deep and Wide Rapport’

flickrMEET: (2) the lovebirds.haven’t posted anything by Badboy in awhile but thought that this email I got from him was worth reposting. It seems that once aspiring pick up artists get comfortable opening, building attraction, they struggle in the comfort building phase.

The comfort building phase is important in a seduction. A girl needs to feel safe around you. The problem that most guys run into during comfort building is that they lose the girl’s interest. They generally lose a girl’s interest because once they’ve displayed some value to her, they get comfortable themselves and fall back into boring shop talk.

In this article below Badboy gives some great tips for avoiding shop talk and using the conversation to build rapport and amplify the attraction.

Direct Rapport 101 by Badboy

Have you ever been in a lounge, the music playing just loud enough to hear what the beautiful woman sitting next to you is saying, while conversing in a manner that makes you feel as if every man’s jealous eyes are watching your every move?

If you have yet to experience this, you’re missing out on one of the greatest pleasures in life. One that I didn’t have the ability to enjoy for a very long time, but do now regularly.

I’m going to reveal to you one of my best methods for making that exact scenario happen. I like to call it Direct Rapport.

What is Direct Rapport?

Women are attracted to the connection they FEEL with a man. Creating intense attraction that lasts is due to rapport. Rapport is the way you reveal more personal things to a woman, and if done correctly can be like a magnet constantly pulling at her heart strings. Imagine for a moment that you only get one flaky girl every 10 dates, or having a great one say “I’ve never felt this way around any man ever before!” That’s the result of wide and deep rapport which combine to make Direct Rapport a reality.

Wide Rapport

Wide rapport is the ability to touch on a wide range of topics to deepen the feeling of connection between her and you.

Topics you can cover to make sure you are going wide are:

Human nature
Other commonalities

Be careful to avoid the following:

Religion (unless a common viewpoint)

I hate to talk about her job because what she does may not perfectly fit her as a person. Sometimes there is no connection at all and just talking about it will turn her off.

To make this easy, go through the following structure:

Open a Topic – Ask a big question to start a conversation. So what do you do for fun?

Find Out More Details – Based on her answer, you ask a sub-question to get more details. How long have you skied?

Tell a Story – Now its time to tell a story. This is when your improvisational skills will come in handy. It may or may not be a true story, but the important thing is to keep the ball rolling. "I went skiing once and it seems like skiing is easy… Its stopping thats the hard part. I could go like 100 miles per hour down the slopes but then at the bottom Id have to wipe out or hit a tree to stop. I think they should call it stopping instead since thats the hard part.

Its important to tell a story early, because otherwise if you keep asking questions, you end up in Interview Mode. And Interview Mode never leads to sex. Wide rapport is a brilliant/indirect way to qualify her to you. Although she might be beautiful, does she meet your standards?

Deep Rapport

Deep rapport is perhaps the “bazooka” of building comfort. Deep rapport touches on more personal topics and at a much less superficial level. By generating deep rapport you are able to HOOK her interest for a longer period of time.

Are you getting her number only to have her flake?

Have you had a passionate night of intimacy with her only to have her never return a call?

Does she make plans with other men after you thought you had a decent conversation?

You’re probably missing this important part of Direct Rapport. Deep rapport is ESSENTIAL to your success as a master of direct game. You achieve fast and lasting results by using deep rapport techniques. No BS.

The Badboy Lifestyles Seduction Guide talks about deep rapport IN-DEPTH and COMPREHENSIVELY. If you have any of the above symptoms, isn’t it time to get the cure?

Yes...You Can HAVE My Collection of Word-for-Word Conversations with Women Report (you get the PDF Report + Full Audio Training) img


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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences.  For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.

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