How to Pick a Pair of Men’s Jeans

It amazes me how much girls care about the fit of their jeans. First of all, there’s the ass (is it bubbly enough?), followed shortly by the hips, thighs, the length, even the knees (!?). This intense consideration may begin to explain why women will pay any price you ask for the perfect pair of jeans. A friend of mine has a collection of denim worth $3000 ? though to her credit, she looks sexy in every last pair.

Luckily for men, typically we aren’t so picky. If it fits in length and fits comfortably, we’re good! However, this back-to-basics practical approach to denim does not sit well with women – they like their man’s jeans to look ‘good’. While this is bad news for your worn-in, ripped, ultra-comfy Levis, this is good news for all gents looking to woo some fair lady at a bar. Your jean fit does indeed say a lot about you in woman-speak, so when you wear your denim out to party make sure it’s saying ‘hey ? how you doinnn?’.

Now, the kind of denim you wear is dictated by your own personal style ? what’s up to me is to show you how to rock your style in a way that will grab the ladies’ attention. The first style I’ll go over is the classic club look. When I go clubbing I tend to go with this look: Semi-casual shoes, stylin’ dress shirt, and a nicer pair of jeans. If this is your style, you want your jeans to look something like this pair of premium denim by Howe ( They’re a classic bootcut (where the bottoms widen slightly), a midtone or dark wash, and very very comfy (this is why people buy premium denim). These jeans will keep you lookin good, now matter how many martinis you down.

For those of you who like to rock out in a more casual style, I’ll give you what I like to wear to my fave sports bar. If you’re a jeans-and-sneakers kinda guy, straight-legged jeans are the way to go for you. Check out this pair from ? they even look good with flip-flops! If you’re a big guy or just have muscular legs you should opt for a wider, baggier straight leg than a slim-fit one, as pictured here. You don’t want to look like you’re wearing spandex.

If you’re h-core urban or hiphop, go for something flashier. These relaxed-fit jeans are wicked (! With a fresh tee and retro shoes, you’ll draw a lot of attention from edgy, fashion-forward females anywhere.

So let’s recap ? girls are denim-obsessed. You’re probably going out tonight in your jeans. Therefore, if you invest in a pair that fits your style and looks good on your legs, your odds of scoring will improve. After all, if the jeans look that good on you, how good are they gonna look on her bedroom floor?

For even more men’s fashion advice check out Brad P’s classic book The Fashion Bible. You can never underestimate the importance of dressing right.


Simple Trick Tells You if a Girl Wants You to Kiss Her

Do girls leave you confused as to whether or not they like you?

Let's face it. Girl's don't make it easy for you. She will often send mixed signals leaving you unable to tell if she is being friendly or flirty. If you read her signals wrong you risk rejection and embarrassment. Or worse, you blow it with a girl who wanted to kiss you.

Here is a simple and innocent move that will instantly tell you if you're in the friend zone, or if she's waiting for you to kiss her.

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About a1_X. A1_X is a fashion blogger who contributes a weekly column here at TSB Magazine. A1_X specializes in finding hot clothes at affordable prices.

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