TSB Man Transformation Weekend Retreat in the Dominican Republic
For more details on the trip check out this recent post.
Mike Stoute and I have been tossing around this idea for the last couple months… We’ve wanted to put together something educational, unique, and most importantly FUN… We’ve just been trying to map out all of the details.
Mike and I, along with our friend and certified life coach, Justin are proposing something completely unique in terms of learning experiences. We want to hear your opinions, who’s interested, who’s not, and what you want out of a seminar.
Here are the tentative details of what we’ve been discussing:
We are going to rent a villa in the Puerta Plata Dominican Republic and have a Man Transformation retreat.
The retreat will be 3 nights.
We’re looking for a maximum of 10 guys to share a villa on the beach in Cabarete, Puerta Plata.
Over the course of 3 nights we will be doing intensive inner game and outer game training. The focus will be more on the inner game aspect, devoloping the natural inside of you, cultivating your ideal life…. We plan on doing all the classes in a casual setting with some females on hand to role play with… maybe even have a pool party ala The Pick-up Artist.
Along with the intensive classes we will be hitting up the bars and clubs at night. The night time activities will be much more laid back and will be all about having a good time and getting comfortable with yourself.
Dates and Dues and more Details
We are looking at booking this for Mid July.
The cost will include 3 days and nights of seminar, 3 nights in the villa, and all of your food and drinks while at the villa. (anything you spend at the bars is not included)
We are looking at a cost of about $975 a person. Because we will all be sharing a villa space is extremely limited.
We are looking to create our own little Project Hollywood in the Caribbean for a few nights…
Because of booking obligations would have to have commitments fairly soon with a deposit. If you think you might be interested please email me and I will provide further information:
Bobby (at) Tsbmagazine.com
or read this post… then email to get on the list!
In the meantime, here is an old Cliff’s List newsletter highlighting a group of PUAs trip to the Dominican Republic.
About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.