How to Talk Women into Bed

Yesterday I began what will be weekly series called “The Early Years”  The first handful of episodes will focus on my beginning in the community and my brief time studying and practicing Speed Seduction.

Although I have since moved on to a more natural game I do feel that I learned a lot of principles that really went on to help me develop my pickup skills.  Judging from most of the comments on the post, Speed Seduction seems to have a bit of a bad wrap in the community.  Mike Stoute is probably partly to blame for that, as he was one of the guys early on practicing it with me… and has since come to condemn it openly on our podcasts.  In future episodes of “The Early Years” you’ll come to understand more why Mike turned against it.. but I can tell you now- it wasn’t because it didn’t work.

Anyway, I thought I would post a short newsletter by Ross Jeffries to give you guys an idea of some of the principles of Speed Seduction.  As one of the commenters said, it is commonplace in every style of pickup.

How to Talk Women into Bed by Ross Jeffries

Now I’m sure you have probably known a guy who wasn’t good looking, didn’t have money, but somehow he just knew what to say to women to make them eager to “jack his beanstalk”, “ride his baloney pony” and “do the grown up”. In short, he had lots of women, while better-looking guys had few or none. The reality is that men have been “sweet-talking” women out of their panties (or bloomers or whatever) since recorded history began.

It’s just with Speed Seduction we are going to make it a lot more precise for you by introducing you to the concept of “recipes” or “states”.

You see, one key shift in understanding how to get what you want with the women you want is:


Now, I know this may seem like a key paradox. After all, isn’t this all about getting very hot women to do what we want-sleep with us, give us great sex, worship the ground we slink across, etc?

Yes, of course it is. But the key here is, GO FOR HER FEELINGS FIRST!


So the real question is: how can we awaken the feelings and emotional states that give us this kind of “leverage” with women?

The key is to capture and lead her imagination.

Just remember this rule: her imagination is the key to her emotions. Her emotions are the key to her bedroom door!

I don’t care how hot she is. I don’t care if she is a “10” on the looks scale and YOU are a “two”. If you can capture her imagination, then you can capture her emotions. Capture her emotions and you tap into the deep cultural and social conditioning that teaches women from the time they can first speak that following their emotions is the key to being a woman.

Now, the good news is, you can do this in a way that truly fulfills her and leaves her feeling wonderful, so BOTH of you win.

The next issue of this newsletter will begin the process of teaching you how. For now, bear this in mind:

Every year, romance novels outsell every other form of fiction combined, not just in the United States, but the ENTIRE Western world.

Tom Clancy, John LeCarre, Stephen King and any of your other favorite authors combined can’t even make even a small dent in the sales of books that you and I as men would RIGHTLY consider trash!

Yet women of all ages read these things.

Why? Simply because they want their imagination and emotions stimulated and women do this through words; the words they speak, the words they hear, and in this case the words they read.

You may not have an ugly face to talk away. You may not want to “bed the Queen of France.” But to be the king of the bedroom, you have to learn to structure your communication in ways most guys will never even begin to consider or understand.

Just to review, I taught you:

1. Focus on her feelings first. Get your mind off the behaviors you want from her(sex, undying loyalty, threesomes, etc) and put your mind and focus on what feeling states she would have to be in, in order to want to naturally give you those behaviors.

2. Realize that the key to her feelings is her imagination. Capture and lead her imagination and you can generate the intense feelings and emotions she craves.

3. The key to capturing her imagination AND emotions is how you use your language. Remember the example from last issue of romance novels; they out do every other form of fiction combined, because they appeal to women’s fantasies, imagination and emotions, even though we, as guys, would never read such stuff.

The Mystery Of Women’s “Feelings” Explained

In order to understand just how to tap into the deep feelings that women crave, like “chemistry”, attraction, desire, fascination, incredible connection I need to make the
briefest of detours into a discpline called Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP. Please, please bear with me, because the next couple of paragraphs will allow you to enjoy a profound
understanding of how women “tick” that will skyrocket your success with them more a new Porsche, perfect pecs, or high status and fame.

The Concept of States And ” Emotional Recipes”

One of the core ideas of NLP is that people don’t just mysteriously “get” feelings. Feelings and emotions are the end result of a process that people run on the inside of themselves, involving what they say to themselves, how they picture things in their minds, and what flows of internal
physical sensations they experience inside their bodies.

Now, bear with me here, because this is both simple AND important.

Think of a woman you really, REALLY want to be with.

Wouldn’t you like her to experience the following emotional “states” with you?


You would agree that those would be great for starters, yes? That, given THOSE feelings, she would be far more likely to say, “JUMP ME NOW” instead of “Let’s just be friends!” (By the way, if the only thing you hear from women is “Let’s just be friends” it is because the only feeling states she experiences around you are casual enjoyoment and comfort. Not enough to get her doing the grown up!)

Are you following along so far?

Ok. For this lovely lady to experience these intense, positive feeling states with you, she has to run some kind of internal process or “recipe” to get the end result of wanting you.

An Example To Help Understand And A Half Truth Corrected And Explained

As an example, a woman might first look at you and get a bit of a tingle in her tummy. Then she might picture you and her naked. Then she might say to herself “yummm”. Then perhaps she might feel tightness in her throat, her nipples hardening, and the tingles going down to her crotch. She might picture the two of you meeting her friends and feeling a sense of pride.

The key is this: this will all flash through her body and mind in seconds, so fast in fact, that she will almost always something she is NOT consciously aware of doing.

Now, you may have heard it said that women will decide in the first ten seconds if they are going to sleep with a guy.

This is almost always NOT true. What is true is that when women DO decide to sleep with you,(whether it’s ten minutes or ten months into knowing you) they will run that process of
deciding through their body and mind in LESS than ten seconds.

Ok. I think I’ve piled enough on you for now. But I want you to really re-read this newsletter another time. Maybe print it out and take it with you for a long walk, and think about
the implications and how it begins to make sense of a very important piece of your life. Remember the more we can “de-mystify” women’s emotions and make them something we can
bring to the surface and LINK to us, the more power, choice, and enjoyment with women we are going to have; women most guys just get to dream about.

In the next issue we’ll get into the nuts and bolts of how to actually start using your language to do this.

Until then,

P e a c e a n d p i e c e ,

R o s s

Learn more about Speed Seduction by checking out Ross’s official site


Simple Trick Tells You if a Girl Wants You to Kiss Her

Do girls leave you confused as to whether or not they like you?

Let's face it. Girl's don't make it easy for you. She will often send mixed signals leaving you unable to tell if she is being friendly or flirty. If you read her signals wrong you risk rejection and embarrassment. Or worse, you blow it with a girl who wanted to kiss you.

Here is a simple and innocent move that will instantly tell you if you're in the friend zone, or if she's waiting for you to kiss her.

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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences.  For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.

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