How Subscribing to RSS Feeds Can Help Improve Your Conversation Skills
Are you reading this site through our RSS? For those of you not familiar with RSS it is away to constantly keep up to date with your favorite websites. Pretty much all content based websites have their RSS feeds available for subscription. If you’re not familiar with what RSS is read the Wikipedia definition.
How will subscribing to RSS feeds help me get laid?
One of the biggest problems I used to have when meeting new people (women) was that I was quickly running out of things to talk about. One of the reasons for this was that my main interests at the time were my job and studying pickup. Neither of these two topics made for interesting conversations. So usually I would get stumped and resort to boring fluff talk. This was particularly a problem on dates. Instead of discussing fun topics we’d spend an hour talking about her brothers wedding day or some other bullshit neither one of us were interested in.
Ideally, I always try to get the conversation to a personal level and feel out their values and sense of adventure… but not all girls make this possible. In fact, many girls will keep their guard up when first meeting a guy and force you to make small talk. I hate small talk. But it is necessary during the “comfort building” phase.
Everything changed when I discovered RSS. I started subscribing to feeds left and right. I subscribed to seduction sites, celebrity gossip sites, political sites, sport sites, fashion sites, music and movie sites, news sites, ecomony sites… basically every topic I’m even slightly interested in I’ve subscribed to a site that caters to it.
I then created a MY Yahoo page. On my page I personalized it to display all my feeds. Every morning now I scan my feeds for things that are interested and conversation worthy. Sometimes I jot down some topics, other times I just mentally make a note.
I now never run out of things to talk about. Since I have a broad range of feeds, no matter what the girl’s interest is I’m sure to have something knowledgeable to contribute to the conversation. This doesn’t just work for girls. This is a good habit to get yourself into for all areas of life. Everyone likes to talk to someone that can offer opinions on a wide range of topics.
So, my recommendation is to begin with this feed, and then remember when browsing the internet to subscribe to the feeds that you find interesting. I would make sure to include a variety of topics, not just Pick-up.
About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.