Street Dating Revealed DVD Review
from Succeed at Dating recently sent me a copy of Street Dating Revealed to review. I thought this was a timely topic, as Day Game information has been requested often here at the Bible.
I want to start off by saying I find it difficult to review a product objectively because guys are at all different phases of their learning, and what might be great for someone, might be old information for someone else. So I’ve chosen to give a brief description of the DVD, and then talk about what I liked and didn’t like about it.
What Is Street Dating Revealed?
Street Dating Revealed is a DVD consisting of 5 recorded day time pickups. You can watch the pickups with or without explanations along with it. The DVD includes full interviews with the two pick up artists in the videos – and Stephen. There is also a one page cheat sheet of tips that comes along with. When you purchase the video you also get access to a members only section of the website that contains a 60 minute interview with Sweater from The Game. I also believe that people who purchase the DVD now get another DVD of a seminar is doing in a few months… but im not sure about that.
What I liked about Street Dating Revealed
I really liked watching the pickups on my big screen TV. I’ve watched pickups on Youtube and I can confidently say, it is a lot better and more useful watching them on the big screen. You feel as if you are a third party sitting sitting there with them. Both of the PUA’s in the video are extremely skilled and make day game look easy. If you watch the videos with the explanations- the screen will freeze from time to time and they will explain why they did what they just did.
Some of the most beneficial things I got out their approaches was their use of body language. I believe this was a topic that a few readers were discussing the last couple days in some comments. This video gives a clear look at what great male body language looks like. Both and Stephen are excellent at posturing themselves. The guys are also great at showing you how to introduce kino early on with things like hand shakes, hugs, and thumb wrestling. Their technique for getting the phone numbers is also fun to watch, as they make it look natural. And the way they continue to the conversation along, even when the girls throw some IODs is very good.
The concepts that they teach in the interviews and cheat sheet are things that if you’ve studied pickup for awhile you will know, but none the less the information is accurate.
Overall I can not say anything negative about their skills. They we really flawless in their pick up attempts.
What I didn’t like about Street Dating Revealed
It left me wanting more. I feel like for the price of $80 the Dvd should have contained either a couple more recorded pickups, or it should have contained more theory behind day game.
I would have liked to know what makes them choose the targets they do. Is there something they look for to know if a girl will be open to meeting someone. I guess because day game is something I’m not that skilled at, I was hungry for more information.
To be $80 seems a little high, but then I guess compared to the hundreds of dollars other are charging for courses a little longer in length, its probably relative.
My Final Thoughts
While I do not consider this an essential program to purchase, I do think that if you are interested in really learning day game, and you have the cash, it can’t hurt to watch to PROS in action. These guys are impressive.
Read more about Street Dating Revealed
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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.