From Friend to Girlfriend
Richared La Ruina from Pua Training sent me this short article on turning a friend into a lover. A lot of people think its impossible. Its not. I’ve done it. Reading this pay close attention to #4. The last thing you want to do is declare your love for your friend. This will put her on the spot and force her to make a decision. If she feels forced she will most likely make a decision you don’t like. I made this mistake once. Luckily, instead of giving up, I continued building attraction until ultimately it just happened.
By the way Richard has a new book out being sold on Amazon that might be worth checking out.
Making a Friend a Girlfriend by Richard La Ruina
1. Use Attraction Builders
If you are interacting with her on the same level as her females friends, her auntie, and her gay best friend, it is no wonder she doesn’t consider you for a potential boyfriend. Build attraction by teasing her: make fun of her – the desired response is that she laughs and hits you at the same time. Use challenges – ask her challenging questions about her character and what kind of person she is and either approve or disapprove of her answers. Alternate breaking rapport and connecting – break rapport on surface level interests – if she likes Harry Potter, feel free to say that it is lame. If she has something you genuinely like, tell her. Mix things up.
2. Present Yourself as a High-Value, Sexual Male
Pursue other women, talk about your love life, your wants, girls you are attracted to. Do not be a-sexual, show that you are a sexual being. Have passions and interests and communicate them, make your world interesting and exciting and maybe a little mysterious.
3. When The Time Comes, Transition Correctly
So, you’ve built some attraction and interest if it wasn’t there already, now it’s time for action. You need to get her on her own, preferably in the night time, and you need to escalate physically. BUT, you need to do it playfully. Tease, poke, prod, tiggle, play-fight. This is just as good for building sexual tensions as other types of touching but is more non-threatening and low pressure. After a while, stop, look at her, and feel if it is on or not. If it is, the kiss can happen.
4. It has to “Just Happen”
If she has already classified you as a friend, it’ll be a big shock to suddenly have you declare your love. It needs to “just happen” instead and this is how to do it. If you try this and it isn’t on, then you haven’t risked a huge amount and don’t have to lose your friendship – she can always introduce you to her friends!
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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.