Some Links Before I leave…
By the time you read this I will most likely be boarding my plane to the Promised Land….or should I say Brazil. I’m not really up for writing a post before I leave… and I might not have a solid internet connection for a day or two, so I thought I would leave you with some links to posts I’ve enjoyed out in the community.
Rooshv is getting me fired up for my trip to Brazil with his tales from South America… His latest “Its going to be hard to leave” is a good description of gaming down there.
2 good posts about pimping up your bachelor pad this week. One from Matt Savage called “Creating a fully functional babe layer” and one from Mack Tight called “Killing the slob in me and pimping out my bachelor pad”
An excellent post on Kinowear about building an image that will be instantly recognizable to women titled “Cracking the code for instant attraction with women”
For all of you asking about day game I found a good review from Big Send about a day game bootcamp he went to. Any of you looking to improve your day game should check out what he has to say about it.
An interesting read from Roissy about how fat american women are the cause of the pendulum shifting in hot women’s favor called “Fat american women=Dating Disparity”
And if you just feel like laughing check out my favorite comedian Bill Burr’s website for some funny as clips from his hilarous comedy specials. I just saw him live and he was great!
About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.