Pick-up Artist Openers, Openers, Openers

It seems that the topic of openers is all the rage lately. (or hasn’t it always been?) What are good openers? Will Mystery openers still work? Are canned openers good?

Before I get started with this article I just wanted to send you to a free book filled with a ton of Pickup Artist Openers….

Mike Stoute and I did a podcast about openers a few months ago, but I feel that its time to write on the subject again. And I want to hear some comments and feedback to see what all of you think about the topic.

It seems that people love googling openers looking for the page of perfect ones to use in bars/clubs/banks/hot dog stands/Wallmarts…. I think that is why Neil Struass’s book became so famous. Because it gave a lot of people a handbook of what to say to a girl to start a conversation. Essentially, that is all an opener is. A conversation starter. So in reality anything that you say to a girl is an opener. So what makes a good opener?

The reason that openers Mystery uses or Style or any of the other canned ones that have become popular of the years, are so good is because they are non threatening, topical (mainly topics girls might be interested in) and they are sometimes comic, always lite… meaning the topics are never depressing, never political, never racial, never anything that can be angrily argued about. Remember the topics at times are supposed to cause arguements (who lies more… floss before or after… is kissing cheating….) but the openers cause flirty type of arguments… not real heated win or lose type arguements.

So are canned openers good? If it takes using a canned opener to get you to have the confidence to open your mouth in front of a girl then by all means use them. What I did when I was first starting out years ago was I bought the book The Art of Approaching and basically took the 50 or so openers he gives you in there and studied them. I looked for the reasons that they work. I read about how to deliver them. I memorized the punchlines.. the hooks, the routines… but I never used them in the field. I took everything I learned in the amazing book and constructed my own “canned” openers. These were original openers, that better matched my unique personality. I used the outlines he gave and wrote openers that actually interested me.

For instance the question “Do you floss before or after brushing” became my opener “That piece of meat in a wonton soup… what the hell is it?”

The opener “Is kissing cheating?’ became “Would you let your fiance go to Rio de Janiero on his honeymoon?’

“You have a real confident way about you” became “You have a friendly air about you, you must not be from New Jersey.

The jealous girl friend opener became “Would you be mad if your boyfriend slept with Jennifer Annsiton?”

This is how I got by in the beginning. I created a whole shit load of openers that brought up topics I liked and started using them. As I used them more and more I began to see a pattern of how girls reacted to them.. From there I started developing routines to lead into. Sometimes I cheated and used a Mystery routine, (back then they weren’t so cliche) but more and more I began making up the routines on the spot. By reading books like Magic Bullets (previously the VAH) I was able to see how to construct a routine. Once you know the purpose of a routine (demonstrating higher value, disarming obstacles…) they became easy to make up. Yes, sometimes I felt like a liar…(“its not lying its flirting” lol) Sometimes I would return to a bar a couple weeks later and have to remember some story I made up and roll with it again. But usually these stories weren’t lies… they were stories that happened to me. I just changed names, dates, genders, to fit the mood of the moment.

I remember once, my friends and I had three different sets of girls swarmed around us waiting for me to answer the burning question “will I pussy out or will I go sky diving tomorrow?”

My friend opened the set my telling them to talk me out of being a pussy. To tell me I will regret. Tell me I only live once… blah blah… I ran with it. I used my imagination and turned a true story about my backing out of a skydiving trip… into this life or death moment of manhood bullshit that the girls ate up. Its all about how you sell it. I told the story… I had them imagining themselves in the plane. they were imagining themselves pulling the cord, the wind, the impatient tandem jump instructor yelling at me… these things made the story come alive… these things got me LAID that night. These thing got one of my friends LAID that night… the other one (with the least game) got a number and wound up fucking her three dates later. He still thanks me.

My point isn’t to brag. Its to tell you that openers are some magic mysterious lines that are hidden away for a select few. They are merely conversation starters. Once you know how to construct a good opener. Its easy. Its fun. It actually makes you look forward to going out. Things is even more true when you get to the point that you’re not using canned ones. When you go out and the night really becomes an adventure, and you’re going with the flow, and its working…. Man, you can’t ask for a better feeling!!!!!

Here is a book filled with more free pua openers.


Simple Trick Tells You if a Girl Wants You to Kiss Her

Do girls leave you confused as to whether or not they like you?

Let's face it. Girl's don't make it easy for you. She will often send mixed signals leaving you unable to tell if she is being friendly or flirty. If you read her signals wrong you risk rejection and embarrassment. Or worse, you blow it with a girl who wanted to kiss you.

Here is a simple and innocent move that will instantly tell you if you're in the friend zone, or if she's waiting for you to kiss her.

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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences.  For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.

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