Tucker Max Invents Great PUA Prop (without even trying)
Well, I know Tucker Max didn’t write the story in hopes of inspiring PUAs to use his ingenius idea in hopes of meeting women out. But us PUAs are always looking for fun, creative ways to draw positive attention to ourselves in bars/clubs.If you haven’t read Tucker Max’s story titled “The famous Sushi Pants Story” I would say read it now. You’ll understand the beauty of this prop, and the story is funny as shit. I promise you will not be disappointed. In fact I HIGHLY recommend his book “I Hope they Serve Beer in Hell.”
Anyway, carrying around this portable BAC device is a great intro and ice breaker. If you and a friend bust it out and are making a little scene with it, girls are bound to notice and ask you what it is. You show them and then make them use it. You can then parlay the interaction into a routine, demonstration of higher value, or just bust out some really cocky/funny lines.
This works. After reading the story my friends bought one and we used it out at a bar and it worked like a charm in attracting attention to us.
Read the story then go to Amazon and buy the prop. Its only $40 and I promise that you won’t be disappointed.
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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.