Get Girls

Here’s a cool article from the guys at Pickup Arts. Also just want to give a shout out to Magic Bullets. I am hearing nothing but good things about the book. I feel bad because I bashed it from a friends opinion…

Get Girls by Jay ValensÂ

It is no secret that rich and successful guys enjoy an advantagewith women. If I could write some easy to follow advice that wouldmake you successful and rich in a few weeks, I would do that, but I personally don’t know how to do that consistently.

If I did know though, that still wouldn’t be the best advice I

could give you about having success with women, because money can

be lost whereas skills are something you take with you. And

luckily there are consistent ways to get better with women very

quickly, like studying our “Art of the Pickup” DVDs.

However, it is still instructive to study some things that make

people consistently successful. And where better to start looking

for success than Harvard University.

Now, I happen to have some experience in this regard.

No, I didn’t go to Harvard university myself. But I did have a

friend who did get his M.B.A. at Harvard, and I got to learn some

things vicariously though him.

One thing I learned was that ironically a lot of these guys at

Harvard were just like a lot of other guys in that they usually

didn’t know any more than the average guy about getting women. Jay

Valens and I once captivated about 10 of these Harvard M.B.A.

students over a steak dinner by talking to them about our area of

expertise with women. They were listening more intently than I bet

they did for any of their business strategy sessions, it was a

great time.

One thing the average Harvard guy did know though was a thing

called “droping the H-Bomb”.

Now I don’t think that most of them did it correctly, since they

probably made it too transparent. But put simply, “droping the

H-Bomb” is when you mention something in a conversation with a

woman that lets her know you are going to Harvard. Get it,

“H”-Bomb, “H”arvard, they both start with the letter “H”?

OK, sounds like an obvious thing to do if indeed you are going to

Harvard. After all, that is a clear signal of intelligence and

future success. You might be thinking, “But Ray, what am I going

to do, lie to her and tell her I go to Harvard?”

No, of course not.

But you can learn an important lesson here, namely that everyone

has some thing that sets them apart from others, things that are

valuable about them. And what you need to learn how to do is to

make that known to a woman you are interested in, but in a way that

is not detectable as bragging.

Let’s look again at how the Harvard students should have gone about

dropping their H-Bombs.

Wrong: “Yeah, it’s been a tough week of classes for me at Harvard…”

This doesn’t work because she knows the guy is more interested in

telling her about the fact he goes to Harvard than that he had a

tough week. It’s too contrived and transparent.

Here is a better example:

Harvard guy: “so what do you do, are you a student or do you work?”

Her: Tells him whatever she does. “How about you?”

Harvard guy: “I’m in business school, I have another year to go.”

Her: “oh really, where are you getting your M.B.A.?”

Harvard guy: “I go to Harvard. But enough about what we do, lets

talk about who we are…”

Notice that he just asks her a question that is naturally

reciprocated, so it never looks like he was trying to brag. Also,

when he answers her first question, he doesn’t immediately

volunteer that he goes to Harvard. This leads of course to her

asking where, and when finally does say “Harvard”, he doesn’t dwell

on it, and moves into more intimate conversation. The fact that he

moves on quickly from that answer also proves that he isn’t trying

to brag. But still, the H-Bomb has been dropped which was his plan

all along, and this way it explodes with full force!

So the key for you is to realize what your H-Bombs are and think of

how to get women to ask you questions that make you tell them.

Are you an awesome guitar player? Or maybe a killer cook? Ask her

what her hobbies are, she will ask you back at some point what your

hobbies are, and you can bring up that you like to play guitar, or

that you love cooking.

If you are a good storyteller, you can probably also weave your own

H-Bombs into your stories, but you have to know what you are doing

so that it won’t be seen as bragging. If you are just starting

out, stick with asking her questions that she is likely to ask back

to you.

OK, to summarize, first figure out what your own H-Bombs might be.

If you don’t have any, you better get some! Then, think of

questions to ask women in normal conversation that will get them to

ask you the same question in return, and then drop your H-Bomb and

quickly move on to a new topic. Also, as you get better, learn how

to incorporate your H-Bombs indirectly into your own stories.

For more information on this concept (there is a lot more to know

to do it right), and other nuclear powered techniques, check out

“The Art of the Pickup” DVD set.

Exploding with ideas to improve your success,

Ray Devans

To learn more from The Art of the Pickup grab their free “4 Secret Questions” report.  It is a devastating routine that always gets the girl intrigued by you.


Simple Trick Tells You if a Girl Wants You to Kiss Her

Do girls leave you confused as to whether or not they like you?

Let's face it. Girl's don't make it easy for you. She will often send mixed signals leaving you unable to tell if she is being friendly or flirty. If you read her signals wrong you risk rejection and embarrassment. Or worse, you blow it with a girl who wanted to kiss you.

Here is a simple and innocent move that will instantly tell you if you're in the friend zone, or if she's waiting for you to kiss her.

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About Jay Valens Jay Valens & Ray Devans are the masterminds behind The Art of the Pickup plus the founders of the first & largest site dedicated to pickup, attraction & dating advice for men... Their [pickup newsletter] is top-notch & their advice caters to average guys worldwide, not just the young college or club crowd. They regularly answer subscriber questions & have one of the most amazing pickup learning tools around, The Art of the Pickup: Tactics & Techniques.

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