Cliff’s List 5/16/2007
I love reading through each edition of Cliff’s List seduction newsletters. Once you get through the plugs (which i don’t post) there is some really valuable stuff in them. Pay close attention to the Carlos Xuma stuff in this newsletter.
Dwacon (
Was at a conference with a few young dudes who wanted to do some
dinner after a long boring day of lectures. The guys (all fresh
out of college) were mesmerized at how I was able to capture the
hostess’ attention. She went out of her way to repeatedly walk
past our table with an extra “sashay” in her hips. Each time she
would pass, I would reach out and softly touch her hand to make her
smile or kneel next to my chair where I could drop some weasel
words and trance phrases.
I wanted to close her but she mysteriously vanished after we paid
our tab… so the fellas wanted to go from there to a gentleman’s
club. At first I turned the idea down since I had given up on that
type of recreation. However, I went along to be a goodfella. The
girls at the club keyed into my energy and bypassed the other guys
and were vying for my attention. I took my time and picked who I
wanted to dance… and then would use energy and sparing kino (to
keep the bouncers at bay) and they started spilling all kinds of
info about their lives…
One told me that she was taken. I said, “No man can reign you in.”
She acknowledged that this was true, and she had a girlfriend. I
then took that bit of info to convince her that she would never be
truly satisfied until she had a man. I tested to see if I could
break the rules by touching under her bikini and she did not
object. I wanted to continue working on her but the song ended too
soon and she was too money hungry to sit with me in the general
Another took her place but got very skeeved at the fact that I was
turning her on…
Third time was the charm… this one HB12 who looked like a very
young Suzanne Sommers (Chrissy from 3’s Company) with a very tight
athletic body and a bubbly personality. I ignored her for the
longest time and she would not go away… even though there were
other guys with pockets of money ready to be spent. She flashed
her nipples and gyrated in front of me… and went so far as to
give me a neck and shoulder massage. Finally, after she had ground
her rump in my lap for 15 minutes, I agreed to take a dance with
her in the VIP section.
She pretty much broke all of the rules of the lap dance game… and
then some. Afterwards, both of us sweaty and sticky, she stuck to
me until the deejay finally screamed at her to get off my lap and
get on the stage for some pole dancing. After her set, she
immediately came back over, took my cell phone (which technically
is forbidden in that club) and keyed her name and phone number in.
Art (
Shark Week.
Most of us have heard of the expression, “live every day as if it’s
your last.” You know it’s baloney and let’s hope it’s not your last
day, because there are very few things you can do on such short
We all like to be within our own comfort zones, where it is nice
and safe. Even when approaching women, the comfort zone will keep
you in the state that you are the most comfortable with, aka “AFC
(Average Frustrated Chump)” state. We tend to cling to what we
know, and since most guys are familiar with the AFC state the best,
they will cling to it even if it is destructive to their personal
I am here to introduce a new term.
“Shark Week” – a.k.a. Walk with your balls out. DON’T take this
literally. Be bold, regret nothing and as once said by Al Pacino in
Scarface “I only got my balls and my word.” Throw away the AFC
comfort zone, then be it. So next time you see a pretty girl, and
you are shaken, imagine a cart in front of you, because you’ll need
something large to transport your balls in when you doing your
It’s a new way of thinking, a way of life. The meaning is: Live
your life like it’s a shark week, rather than looking right towards
the next boring day. Look at your life as an adventure, where
sometimes you should relax and feel safe. At other times, you
should go all out by separating yourself from the AFC comfort zone
and taking new risks.
For a few days, you might not feel like doing much and that’s
absolutely fine. Lay back and relax, but when you are out and have
fun, live like it’s Shark Week. Be aggressive, take chances and be
a ‘taking risks kind of guy’ and don’t hold back when you’re out.
Remember: You are a shark. A fun, playful ‘know what you want’
shark. So give yourself permission to live it up, because it’s
Shark Week.
To sum up, Shark Week is a time/mind frame where you are not
forcing energy, but allowing yourself to make choices of living to
the max when you feel like it. Rather than affirmation, you are
enforcing your impulses with the right timing and experience. It’s
a purely natural skill and, thankfully, it’s also cognitive.
Soon enough, it will become a part of you to follow your gut
feeling. Follow through with these impulses and be able to enjoy
yourself without holding back. (In other words, when you want to
approach women.) But when you give yourself some BS excuses why you
shouldn’t, think that it is Shark Week and give yourself permission
to expand outside of your “Comfort zone” and approach women like a
man and not like a wussy. Similarly when you are out on a date,
give yourself permission to be a man because it’s “Shark Week” – be
yourself rather then trying to impress the girl with the next shiny
Carlos Xuma (
The Waterfall Method
A lot of the game out there has been hardwired with a certain
beliefs about the ONS. Otherwise known as the One Night Stand.
The fast lay.
Now, let me start by telling you that I am NOT here to judge guys
out there who make this their goal. If that’s all you want, fine.
Go for it. But I’m here to tell you about another option that
you’ll want to consider when all’s said and done.
I call this the next evolutionary step after you’ve gotten past your
quick-lay approach. I call it …
First, let’s discuss why you DO want this goal of a One Night
Stand, and the reasons why you actually DON’T.
Why you DO want a quick lay:
A) You’re in need of sexual release.
B) It validates your masculinity.
C) It’s a challenge for 95% of the guys out there who don’t get to
experience this as a regular thing.
Great. Once we’ve gotten past each of these very TEMPORARY desires
(and one based more on an unstable self-image than real confidence)
we find that the success you feel at sleeping with women quickly is
fleeting. So now the other side…
Why you DON’T want a quick lay:
A) You’ll have much more difficulty in keeping her long term.
Now I’ve read that this isn’t true from a lot of “gurus” in da
house, and I’m here to tell you that the natural reaction for women
is to avoid confronting an uncomfortable image of themselves
– i.e. S.L.U.T. Even if you rock her world with great sexual
technique (still a rarity out there, sad to say), she’s still
going to be very disinclined to turn it into an LTR.
B) You’ll have much more variety and experience with women, and be
better able to create the kind of short OR long term relationships.
C) Guys who go for and get quick lays defeat their own biological
programming against this kind of behavior and will find it harder
to keep their own feelings alive longer than that one night.
But again, if that’s all you want, hey, that’s all you’ll get.
I interviewed an author by the name of Joe Quirk who presented me
with one pretty interesting concept on the evolutionary psychology
area with men and women. (Actually, several brilliant concepts,
which you can hear in my Advanced Coaching, but this one is
particularly relevant here.)
The revelation was this: Psychologically speaking, men feel less
att racted to women who sleep with them quickly.
Because we are programmed by evolution to *avoid* promiscuity.
Since men (up until the last 50 years or so) could not be certain
that a child was really theirs, they would only pair-bond with
women they felt demonstrated traits that showed monogamy and
faithfulness to their mate. Hey, no guy wants to sink 20 years
of his life and resources into raising someone else’s child, right?
Now guess what behavior clues a man in on a woman’s promiscuity…
“Uh, Alex, what is ‘time-to-intercourse’?”
D) You’ll give yourself MORE OPTIONS.
One of my rules of life is that the Alpha Man knows that his power
in life is usually in direct proportion to the OPTIONS he has
available to him at any given moment.
Fewer options = More frustration and scarcity thinking.
More options = Less frustration (i.e. more relaxation) and abundance
E) Guys who shoot for (pun intended) one night stands eventually
get over it and want the whole enchilada.
That’s right, on the other side of this skill set is a dreaded
admission by even the most Alpha of us, that we get tired of it and
realize we need something more – CONNECTION. Hell, even guys need
You’re challenged by the next obstacle you face in the game, and
for most guys, they think it’s the ability to take a girl home the
same night and sleep with her. I submit to you that this goal is a
superficial one. You will discover that you need the next goal
after that. And so on. A man needs ongoing challenge.
I did. I went through countless short term flings that left me more
and more empty inside until I turned those into what I term
“beneficial serial monogamy.”
This is where I could have as many women in my life as I could
schedule, and it was always a mutually beneficial situation.
So what is my “Waterfall Method?”
I wanted to give you this as a concept that you could use right
away to improve the quality of your relationships and get you past
what I consider to be the false goal of getting One Night Stands
as soon as possible.
Here’s my Waterfall Method of pickup and dating:
1) Meet more women. MANY women. The more women you meet, the better
your ratios.
2) Stack them in such a way that you maximize your options and your
3) Delay gratification. At the end of the day, you’ll have greater
success by delaying than rushing.
For example, let’s say you’ve got 5 women on the line (Chicka 1
through 5), all are interested because of your sparkling Alpha Man
– Chicka1 you meet or contact on day 1-5. Intimate with on Day 4.
– Chicka2 you meet on day 3-5. She goes psychotic on Day 5. See ya.
– Chicka3 you meet on day 6-10. Intimate with on Day 9.
– Chicka4 you meet on day 1-2. Intimate with on day 2.
– Chicka5 you meet on day 4-10 Intimate with on Day 7, 8, 10.
So the overall pattern is this: You get action on Day 2, 4, 7, 8,
9, 10. Had you tried to get a one night stand with all of them, you
would have had a much lower success ratio.
You rascal!
Of course, this is an over-simplification – though not by much.
What I’m trying to encourage you to do is think Big Picture.
Now for those of you wondering why I called this a “Waterfall
Method,” well it comes from project management methodology, and
simply indicates how your successes can stack up if you look
at the Big Picture.
One side benefit of this approach (and one that I use) is that you
make it clear to the woman up front that you’re NOT looking for
quick action – even if she wants it! By delaying her gratification
and stealing her frame by doing a role reversal, you tip the
balance of sexual power back to YOU, because now you’re not
needy or desperate. This then enhances your confidence for all
other women you meet. Chicka 1 to infinity.
This has been one of the most important things I’ve done to
increase my sense of self-worth and value over the years (and my
confidence.) We often think that getting the fast success will
increase our self-esteem, but the reverse is often true.
What we’re talking about here is a pipeline of women that will
enter your life and keep you happy, and this actually takes LESS
energy to start and maintain than simply pickup for a quick lay
does. And if you discover that a relationship is actually what
you want after sowing your wild oats, you’ll have abundance and
deeper skill rather than a quick hit mentality.
Don’t fall victim to a “McDonald’s” mindset.
Fast rarely means quality.
If you’d like to see a visual representation of this theory in more
detail, please go to:
Over dinner last week my girls and I were discussing sex. Of
course. My friend Sara was going off on a hilarious tirade about
“giving herself a hand” when her boyfriend just wasn’t up to the
task and practically received a round of applause from the table.
Then we started in on stories that all began, “This one time…”
“This one time,” I told them, “I was having sex with *****, and we
were totally going at it, and he slapped me!”
There was silence as my friends tried to figure out how to react.
“And I liked it!”
Everyone cracked up. Nods of approval around the table followed and
we talked about all kinds of things we know we “shouldn’t like”. I
could write volumes about my desire to find a partner with whom I
can share intellectual stimulation, intimacy, trust, passion and
respect, and I would mean every word. I also desperately want
someone who desperately wants me. Preferably several times a day.
Here’s the thing: most girls love sex. Like, really love sex. We
like talking about sex, we like thinking about sex, we like
touching ourselves, we like touching you, we like you touching us.
The biggest lie in human history is that guys are dirty, horny
dogs. Girls grow up believing we’re going to be relentlessly
bombarded with requests for constant humping from our husband
someday, so watch out.
Yeah. Right.
Most women I know can’t get enough sex, and we’re hard pressed to
find a man who can keep up with our libidos. There’s a certain
dichotomy to the expectations women face in this day and age of
extreme political correctness. We’re encouraged to be independent
and sexually “liberated”, but really it’s expected that we’ll
actively seek the “right” things in a relationship. What is “right”
usually includes a lot of glittering generalities like respect,
love and commitment.
This school of thought is pervasive and problematic for both women
and men, because it has one glaring omission. Women desperately
want lots and lots of hot action and they will be faithful and
loving to the guy that can give it to them. We don’t stay with the
guy who loves us the most or the one who we feel safest with,
although those things are wonderful. We stick with the man who
turns us on and really strives to give us the sex we need.
Our fantasies tend to be incredibly illicit. We crave things that
are taboo. And most of what turns us on in is in direct opposition
with the things we’re supposed to want, and contrary to what men
are taught to give us. In turn, our sexual appetites are rarely
So why is it that so many people have grown up to believe that men
are the sex-obsessed pursuers and that women grudgingly give it up?
We are taught that part of being female is controlling our
appetites for many, many things, sex included. Little girls hear
this huge lie growing up over and over again, and as adults it
becomes a part of their internal dialogue. It’s a lie we tell to
ourselves and to each other.
It’s also one that we can choose to stop participating in. When you
are with a woman, be willing and able to honor her sexuality and
her drive. Empower her with your words and actions to seek the
satisfaction with you that she hasn’t necessarily found with other
men. Sometimes ideas are so deeply ingrained, it takes a lot of
practice to pull their roots up from our psyches, but it’s a
worthwhile and satisfying endeavor.
C, Montreal:
Imagine a world where anyone who claims to have superpowers is
called insane and mentally unstable. This person is then alienated
from friends and looked down upon by society. Picture the
college/university scene being similar to ours, except we focus
on one boy, becoming a man who searched for and found within
himself a super ability with women.
In this world, beer still inspires intimate passion.
This young man can inspire intimate passion with any woman but how
he learns to control and harness his power is where the story gets
interesting, input of desire, management of crazy output:
controlling his woman’s passion is now what he has to worry about
With too much beer, pain is numbed which is normal; our buddy has a
normal beer tolerance …so what happens on his first night with
MY FIRST NIGHT, I was glowing, any girl nearby was unhappy if I
wasn’t talking to her. I made moves like I was dancing, from my
friends point of view I pinned a stranger against the wall, had her
so turned on she was making out with me and grinding all over me SO
WHAT DID I DO? I stopped making out…to whisper in her ear.
Basically I turned her on TOO much, too drunk to realize that her
kissing my neck was causing pain, then SHE turns me around, backs
ME against the wall, grinds on me hard while making out, SO WHAT
WOULD YOU DO? I stopped it…and told her it’s time to go
In the club, my friends were in a group, her friends were in a
group, I kept setting my boys up, but they struck out each
time…no game, best game you can play in life, and nothing…I
had my girl set them up too, but wow…nothing…I’d feel bad, but
no time.
Downstairs I lock us in a bathroom stall in the men’s room; boobies
flying, penis sucking action ensues…isn’t that what every dude
wants when he goes into a club, some action and a blowjob? Then
whatever happens, who cares anyways.
After…the girl leaves with her posse, I know now that she was
embarrassed…I have bruises on my neck like a crime scene of a
vampire trying to break my skin with her teeth…tracks leading
down my neck, so she leaves embarrassed, I don’t even know about
my neck, the next girls I met and chilled with told me that you
could see them from across the street, but I didn’t care, haha
one wanted me to teach her how to ollie my skateboard outside…
she was in her tank top and it was f r e e ZING outside
haha, o ya, if you are naturally an adrenaline junkie, live your
life by your rules, have style, bomb hills on your deck, wear
your scars with pride. And teach girls to ride, hold them by the
waist and ride them down the street, hold their hands when they
try to ollie, amazing to build chemistry you share
by touch and emotion the feeling of exhilaration.
So for the lesson, if you learn what Grant Adams is teaching (I
started with David D, then progressed to Grant) know that when you
turn on women, you CAN MAKE THEM TOO HORNY! I am f-wording
bruised to s-word haha, I probably would have forgotten it all
if I didn’t have this reminder…HELLO SCARF
I implicitly learned sooo much by listening to dating material,
without this I wouldn’t be THE man.
My story, I am still a virgin, but I have more skills than most
dudes that I know. My whole life I have had girls walk into and
out of my life, it’s pretty painful, but I never had time for
them, I was chasing other dreams, now I realize that great women
inspire and make great men, and I want great women in my life.
Cliff’s List, 2348 Lucerne Road, Suite 143, Montreal, QC H3R 2J8. Please notify
by email before sending any mail to this address.
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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.