The Diamond Between Your Legs…
Here is a quick Badboy post about defending yourself from the “you just want to sleep with me” line most girls will feed you at some point.
The Diamond Between Your Legs by Badboy
Whenever a woman gives me a problem about sleeping together I simply tell her:
"The diamond between your legs is not something I want to steal from you It ‘s just something I want to get through before we move on more interesting things.
Girls are afraid to sleep with a guy too fast or too soon, as they will look easy, like sluts. They also grow up in a society that tells them, when they give their pussy to a guy, there is nothing else they can give to him. Society unconsciously puts all value on their sex organs and beauty. Once you cross that point, they feel they have nothing to offer. No more value. She is afraid that, once she gives sex to a man, he won’t come back, as that’s everything she could give him.
Its sad, that whenever you talk with girl, she assumes (thanks to society) you want to sleep with her. I mean, the morning after, you still need to talk, to have fun in your life and you can still enjoy and learn about each other Its not just about sex.
So think about the sentence above. Take a moment, and think about it.
What you are actually saying to a girl, is exactly what she wants to hear. It’s not about sex, its about you being together, having fun in the long run and sex is just a step along the way that people make a big deal out of…
A big percentage of sexual resistance is exactly this — she’s afraid that’s all you want and there won’t be anything else. So it’s smart to address the issue directly before it becomes a big problem. I prefer to say it directly than to bullshit around it and play games
The diamond between your legs is not something I want to steal from you. It’s just something I want to get through before we move on to more interesting things.
I dare you to use it.
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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.