Looking for a great all around prop?
I was watching a new dating show on MTV called Exposed the other day where 1 person talks to 2 people of the opposite sex to see which one they would like to date. The catch is that, in a van not to far away, the single persons friend is watching and listening to everything, plus their voices are being run through a lie detection software! The person in the van is secretly telling the one in the field when the targets are lying, later to call them out on it before making their final decision on who to pick.
Although I feel a lot of those shows are staged, it gave me a great idea for a [[[prop]]], if it actually existed. So I began searching the internet for a similar handheld product that might work the same way. Low and behold, I found it! Of course being carried by one of my favorite places to shop, Amazon.Com. It is called the De-FIB-ulator Portable “Lie Detector” and here are the specs:
Handheld voice-tension detector measures degrees of vocal vibration to determine if someone is telling the truth.
Ask your subject three easy “yes” or “no” questions. De-FIB-ulator records the answers, establishing a baseline reading. Then, ask serious yes/no questions. (Ummm..routine?)
If the subject isn’t responding honestly, the onscreen face of “Demonochio” grows a long nose and horns. ([[[neg]]]s the [[[target]]] for you!)
Purported accuracy is 65 percent.
Works with cell phones! (talk about improving your phone game!)
Now there is a little set up involved with queuing it to an individuals voice, but this prop can really lock in a target. First off, it's not like the breathalyzer tests that are all played out, I mean a lot of people have them by now. You don't have to be drinking to have fun with it, and it's the type of prop that creates a lot of good guy bad guy, or power shift situations for the people in control of it. There is also going to be teaching involved when you show your target how to use it. I mean this thing is so cool it could easily be your opener too.
Hey I just got this lie detector test that works with the tension of your voice, let's see if it works1
About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.