Have you lost your Mojo?

Alpha Male Doesn’t Mean Dickhead

I hate to be so blunt about this, but I feel that a lot of men in today’s society have turned into selfish pussies. When did being Alpha Male constitute being a dick? A lot of reviews I have read for the [tag]David DeAngelo[/tag] book, "Double your Dating”, say that it’s a great book to get started, but many men seem to take the Cocky-Funny routine too far and end up looking like a dickhead.

It’s a fine balance between busting balls and being cute about it. If you are not making them laugh, there is a problem. Laughter is one of the most powerful tools in seduction and relationships. Don’t you remember Roger Rabbit? How do you think he pulled that HB Jessica? "The laugh is a powerful thing” he said. And it’s true!

Earlier I talked about "inner game” and how important it is. We’ll I want to briefly touch on it again to reiterate my point. GET YOUR SH*T TOGETHER! Get your life in order and it will all follow. I currently run two successful businesses and a third is in the works. I actually took time away from meeting women to get here because I knew it would all follow. Study successful people who you want to be like, and echo their actions.


I feel this is one of the all time killers of a Man and his goals. Many times in our lives we are doing great, possibly better than we thought. It is these times when being a man is the utmost importance. Taking it to the next level with confidence and charisma… When you feel your stomach rumbling with anxiety before you are about to do something you are uncomfortable with, go with it. This is the sign of progression!

Too many men sabotage their efforts for the fear of success. That’s right, fear of success, not failure! As with everything in life, if you are not used to it, it will seem foreign and weird and therefore you may reject it.

Do I need [tag]Seminars[/tag] and [tag]Boot camps[/tag]?

This is a question I have tackled myself for quite a while. Although I do not go to any [[[PUG]]] seminars, I have been to quite a few business and motivation ones. Seminars are good to get started, but sometimes hinder growth. If you seem to have success at the seminar and none at home then the problem lies with you. It is something that you have to figure out and conquer in your mind. Most things in life are common sense, so trust yourself and you might be surprised.

So how can I get my mojo back? Or just get one in general?

Below I have put together a list of things you can do to help grow your Mojo on a regular basis:

Smiling – Simple but so effective. If you are smiling all the time (even forced), eventually you will start to feel happy. Now don’t give that forced creepy smile either, I actually had to practice my smile in the mirror until I felt comfortable doing it. See if you don’t smile a lot, then it feels unnatural, and shows!

The Cape Walk – credit [tag]Tony Robbins[/tag] – Watch the movie superman and get to one of the parts where he is just standing there with his cape blowing in the wind (usually on the top of a building) and observe his stance. Emulate it… Walk around the room envisioning a cape on your back. Good posture transmutes into confidence.

Saying Hi – ok, now I know what you’re thinking, duh, but seriously. Make an effort to just say hi to everyone, even the guys. A good alpha male is a gentleman, a real man. When YOU bump into another male at a bar, say "my bad”, not "is there a problem”. If HE bumps into you, disarm him, if he still is being a dick I tend to look them in the eyes and stand up for myself – firm and assertive but not being a dick I say "listen, I don’t what the problem is, but why don’t we just make up and be friends” KILL THEM WITH KINDNESS
It is more glory to have them eating your bullshit then your fist!

Dressing Nice – Dress like a star and you will feel like a star. Peacock with flavor!

In closing:

If you act like the MAN, people will start thinking you’re the MAN, and then you will be the MAN!

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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences.  For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.

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