Its Fun to Get Inside a Female’s Mind
Mike Stoute and myself recently completed a podcast in which we talk with a female friend of ours. She’s a young, outgoing, hot bartender in the thick of the pick up scene. She had some pretty interesting things to say about what she sees guys doing night after night, and her opinion of what works and what doesn’t. And trust me.. I GRILL her… I don’t accept fluff answers. That podcast will be up in a week or two.
But I wanted to share some insightful female perspective type shit I got over the weekend. Anybody who’s been following this blog knows Bobbys been dating a girl for a little over a month. I love this point in the dating cycle because its the point the girl feels comfortable opening up info to you. And Im a proffesional at getting information out of people, girls particularly.
So lying in bed we start discussing our relationship and there were a few interesting things she said that only confirm everything I preach.
1. She told me she never imagined she would end up dating me. I asked why, and her response was that I didn’t seem like the serious type. Her perception of me was that of a womanizer, party boy. I asked her why she kept agreeing to go out on another date with me. Her answer, “Because everytime we hung out I had so much fun.”
So that only proves that above everything else the girl must have fun when she’s with you. Because if she’s having fun she isn’t thinking about all the reasons that she shouldn’t be with you. If you’re not acting like you want anything more than a good time she won’t resist having a good time with you. When you establish this kind of relationship- You control where it goes!!
2. I tell her that I thought I might have offended her on our second date. I had a few beers and soon enough we were talking about threesomes, girls I’ve partied with, drugs… shit like that. This girl is a rather “good girl.” She went along with it well, but I was curious now to know if she found me offensive. Her answer, “No. Actually the next day at work I was telling my friend how refreshing it was to talk to a guy that didn’t try to pretend I was the only girl in his life. You talked about funny things and were honest. Most guys on dates sit and try to impress me and it winds up being boring.”
So back to something I always preach… be your self. Or as Neil Strauss says, YOUR BEST SELF. Girls know that if you’re a decently cool guy- you’ve been around the block… don’t try to hide it from them. It insults their intelligence.
3. On my second meeting with this girl, before I started dating her, me and one of my AFC friends were in the car with her. A love song came on. My AFC friend makes a comment like, “you may not think it, but I’m actually a pretty sensitive guy.” He then asks me, “Ain’t I a good guy?” I answer yes he is. The girl turns to me and says, “How about you. Are you a good guy?” My answer, “No, I’m just an asshole all around and deep inside.” A month into the relationship she brings that up and remembers it. She said I kept trying to figure out if you were really an asshole or not. She says, “Either way I respected you for being honest”
Once again my point, don’t try to sugar coat your self to girls. They respect honesty. I treat every girl I date like she is one of my friends. I don’t hold anything back. If they don’t like it.. oh well!! I’ll find another girl.
I just thought some of what she said was interesting. What you have to remember is this girl isn’t a party/club girl. She’s the girl next door type and she thinks like this. What do you think all those club whores think?
Anyway check back in… that PODCAST will be up soon, and I’m positive that you’ll find that me and Mike get some good info out of our friend NIKKI.
About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.