Yahoo Group March 22 2006 “3 Seduction Openers”

Message: 1
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 10:35:48 -0800 (PST)
From: yoda yoyoyoda
Subject: Re: How to handle obtuse girls.

I’m going to have to say, she probably is a waste of time because it seems that
she has a tendacy to not make up her mind. When you actually get into a
relationship she going to be one of those girls who say I don’t know, what do
you want to do. Even worse, she could take a double meaning to everything you
say, which could result in flase accusations all the time. Even becoming
entraped, for example, she’ll ask if you think Angelina Jolie is pretty, you say
yeah a little, then she’ll say than you think I’m ugly. If that’s what you want
than by all means go for it, but it drives some of us out of our gourd.

oh yeah if anybody else reads this post, thanks for all the feedback on the
list, it nixed some girls that needed nixing.

wetlazer wrote:
I am in a local singles group and I am trying to figure out what
approach I should use, if any, on this girl. Either its not worth the
trouble or I need a better strategy.

Quite a while ago I asked this girl out and she shut me down.
Around that same period of time I emailed her a note. I completely
forgot about the note. Then, a few months later she IMs me and
says “What gave you the right to write a note to me?”

I said I wrote it months ago why don’t you just forget it.
Then she says I don’t know anything about her. She starts listing
reasons we should not date.

I said she didn’t know me either, and next time she saw me why not
just kick me in the nuts. So, I dropped the whole deal. A long time
passed and all of a sudden she is being nice to me.

When I post to the group she says nice things. Then, a couple days
ago I post to see if anyone wants to see this one movie. She asks
what theatre I am going to because she has just rented the movie.

I included some actual quotes for clarity.


I emailed her directly and said:
“Why did you ask about the movie?
Did you want to come along and see it?”

She said:
“I can’t Saturday night, I have to attend the xxxxx gala. Since I
have it on DVD I will probably just watch it at home Sunday, but
thanks for the invite. Have fun!”

(Thing is I didn’t actually invite her.)

I said her event would be more exciting.

She answered:
“Obviously you have never had to wear an evening gown,
high heels and smile pretty all night.
A movie and dinner sounds much more enjoyable!”

Then I said
(yes, I sound wimpy, but I wanted to see how she would react)

I answered:
“No, I have never had to do those things.
I would however, and this is just me letting my
imagination wonder, certainly have enjoyed an evening
spent at such an affair, with you.”

“I am certain you looked ravishing. Now, so that I do
not offend. This was merely a very pleasant thought.
Not an inference, not a come on, not an invitation.”

“So, please don’t rain on my very pleasant thought

And she answered:

“I didn’t take it any negative way. And I am going to even take the
compliment and thank you! (though I will admit, this particular
evening I did look fabulous!)”


So, my question to the group is..
Am I getting anywhere, or is this girl just toying with me.
Building her self esteem by trying to make me chase her.


Message: 2
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 15:14:53 -0000
From: “hsvtiger04”
Subject: Question for Chun…

First off the progress you have noted is one thing that
has pushed me to want to get out their and do the reporter

I have only done it like twice but I plan on going out several
nights a week and doing that. Two months ago I could never picture me
doing what Im doing now so I am making progress.

So my question to you Chun is how long after
doing the reporter drill did you feel comfortable
going out in the field practicing openers?? Because
that is going to be my next goal. Create several
pre-scripted openers and go out in the field and test them.

Secondly what openers have you been using or come up with?
Not sure what question I need to use here but some sort
of American Idol opener I think would really resonate with
women since like all of them watch that garbage. Sidenote
I hate reality tv.

Regardless I would love to hear your opinion’s Chun.


Message: 3
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 06:55:20 -0800 (PST)
From: John Starnes
Subject: Re: Step by Step (day 12)

Nice job,
if you are having that much sucess I would probably try doing the reporter
drill soon. I found after doing the 21 day drill it to be more of a challenge
at expanding my comfort level yet I feel much more comfortable approaching now.
Good job pulling a number also.

dddrsos wrote:
This was a day of production.
I asked 20 girls for directions and 5 smiles.
I real don’t have dificulties to aproach girls alone or in groups and
ask for directions, smiles…are a more complicate question.
Well i start to see some progress in my confidence and social skills.
Last night i was in a club and i see two girls dancing, some guys
aproached them but not get nothing, i aproached them too and i was
confident and i won it, i dance and talk with the two girls and one
give me her number (i didn’t ask for it). So, i feel that step by step
i’m building my game.


Message: 4
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 15:05:15 -0800 (PST)
From: Chunwah Ho
Subject: Re: Question for Chun…

— hsvtiger04 wrote:

> First off the progress you have noted is one thing
> that
> has pushed me to want to get out their and do the
> reporter
> drill.
> I have only done it like twice but I plan on going
> out several
> nights a week and doing that. Two months ago I
> could never picture me
> doing what Im doing now so I am making progress.

Yes, and you are doing very well. You single handedly
dealt with 4 turndowns NICE!

> So my question to you Chun is how long after
> doing the reporter drill did you feel comfortable
> going out in the field practicing openers?? Because
> that is going to be my next goal. Create several
> pre-scripted openers and go out in the field and
> test them.

To be honest, I don’t know. Because my mission was to
complete the reporter drill and so that was all I
focused on. I suppose I’ve been practicing my opener
since the day I started my drill 🙂

> Secondly what openers have you been using or come up
> with?
> Not sure what question I need to use here but some
> sort
> of American Idol opener I think would really
> resonate with
> women since like all of them watch that garbage.
> Sidenote
> I hate reality tv.
> Regardless I would love to hear your opinion’s Chun.

Well I’ve been using primarily indirect openers. I got
a few ideas from reading the posts from this group. I
found that it worked better with girls with a few
years of experience but not so well with the younger
crowd. Then I took Style’s jealous gf opener(but I
didn’t like the way he opened) so I added some of my
own material taking what I learned from the reporter
drill. And it seems to be working all around.

But I think running routines is not a very natural way
to talk to a girl (even though the responses have been
good), so I’m thinking of switching to more direct
openers. See what happens.



Message: 5
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 21:44:13 -0000
From: “B Wu”
Subject: Re: confusing

it was still cool. we still joked around and stuff. she turned her
head away but we stayed like cuddled together. i think i blew it
though, i’ve been tryign to see her agian, tryign not to be wussy like
but i think it’s coming off as that. thanks guys, better luck next
time eh?

— In, “miles0029” wrote:
> As David said, more details would help. What was the atmosphere like
> after you tried kissing her? Did it change drastically or was she
> still cool? Did you get any IOI’s to give you the go ahead with the
> Miles


Message: 6
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 02:00:06 -0000
From: “George”
Subject: Re: Some answers to tests/BS ?

— In, “Bill Lopez”
> Hey George
> This reminds me for seminar practice.
> The ability to not answer a question would make a great exerciese. Some
> people have a strong drive to answer every question even though they
> better.
> One More Thing.
> That virus dude is up to it again.
> Bill

You bet. Just because someone asks a question doesn’t mean you have to
answer it. This holds especially true if the question is a
manipulative one — usually those are asked in an accusatory tone.
Those questions usually start with “Why”.

We’ll have a fail safe strategy to address this problem.

This will be a part of the book.



Message: 7
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 02:03:37 -0000
From: “George”
Subject: Re: confusing

— In, “B Wu” wrote:
> We were watching a movie at her house, i was massaging her legs,
> kissed her neck and ear. but she wouldn’t kiss me.

> she’s a pretty good friend, so i asked why, she said she didn’t know.
> i felt like the attraction was there.

Next time, don’t ask WHY. Do somthing else…move her physically to
another place (it doesn’t matter if it’s your or her place) and do
something different. Then after 5-10 minutes do it again.

> i seem to do well on teh date and stuff but sometimes i can’t get it
> to go past there. in the past, it was either not go forward or
> SKYROCKET forward like.. you know what i mean. so i’m not sure what it
> is.

Don’t force it; let it happen. And the way you let it happen is by
acting as though whatever she does is NO BIG DEAL.

i have a feeling i might be too touchy and the girl’s not
> comfortable yet. but i need to transition better. any suggestions?

I don’t think that’s true in this situation…

What will you do different next time?



Message: 8
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 02:14:25 -0000
From: “George”
Subject: Re: How to handle obtuse girls.

— In, “wetlazer” wrote:
> I am in a local singles group and I am trying to figure out what
> approach I should use, if any, on this girl. Either its not worth the
> trouble or I need a better strategy.
> Quite a while ago I asked this girl out and she shut me down.
> Around that same period of time I emailed her a note. I completely
> forgot about the note. Then, a few months later she IMs me and
> says “What gave you the right to write a note to me?”

Interesting reaction. She had been thinking about it and that’s GOOD.
The worst reaction you can get is indifference.

> I said I wrote it months ago why don’t you just forget it.
> Then she says I don’t know anything about her. She starts listing
> reasons we should not date.

Next time, don’t answer such questions. Ask her a question instead and
draw her out…like this: “What do you mean?” and shut up. Let her
talk and find out more. Then deal with it.

> I said she didn’t know me either, and next time she saw me why not
> just kick me in the nuts. So, I dropped the whole deal. A long time
> passed and all of a sudden she is being nice to me.

Don’t do this “poor me” shtick. Ever.

> When I post to the group she says nice things. Then, a couple days
> ago I post to see if anyone wants to see this one movie. She asks
> what theatre I am going to because she has just rented the movie.

The frame “I can treat you anyway I want because I am a princess”.

> I included some actual quotes for clarity.
> ———————————–
> I emailed her directly and said:
> “Why did you ask about the movie?
> Did you want to come along and see it?”

Ignore her completely and focus on having fun with the rest of the
people. Make her crawl back to you, if you must and then give her the
same medicine. But don’t get involved with her.

> She said:
> “I can’t Saturday night, I have to attend the xxxxx gala. Since I
> have it on DVD I will probably just watch it at home Sunday, but
> thanks for the invite. Have fun!”

Her frame “I feel great because I assume you’d invited me and now I
can turn you down”.

> (Thing is I didn’t actually invite her.)

Agreed. But the bitch is taking it that way because it gives her ego

> I said her event would be more exciting.
> She answered:
> “Obviously you have never had to wear an evening gown,
> high heels and smile pretty all night.
> A movie and dinner sounds much more enjoyable!”

Yikes, another nasty frame “I have more social value than you, peasant”.

> Then I said
> (yes, I sound wimpy, but I wanted to see how she would react)
> I answered:
> “No, I have never had to do those things.
> I would however, and this is just me letting my
> imagination wonder, certainly have enjoyed an evening
> spent at such an affair, with you.”

Well intentioned, but flat out wrong. I say wrong because it still
gives her all the power.

> “I am certain you looked ravishing. Now, so that I do
> not offend. This was merely a very pleasant thought.
> Not an inference, not a come on, not an invitation.”
> “So, please don’t rain on my very pleasant thought
> parade.)”
> And she answered:
> “I didn’t take it any negative way. And I am going to even take the
> compliment and thank you! (though I will admit, this particular
> evening I did look fabulous!)”
> ———————————-

She is a bitch and she’s proud of it.

> So, my question to the group is..
> Am I getting anywhere, or is this girl just toying with me.
> Building her self esteem by trying to make me chase her.

I say “dump this bitch” and spend your time with the people you
actually enjoy.

Here is something about girls like that…treat them nice and they’ll
treat you like shit. Treat them like they’re nobody and they’ll be
like a puppy dog. Ask yourself “Is it worth it?”



Message: 9
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 02:19:10 -0000
From: “George”
Subject: Re: I’m stuck in my seduction, advice please!

— In, “Hart, Simon”

> SO………. what the hell? I’m lost! As far as I can tell I did
> right and made no mistakes. But I’m not sure what she meant by “I
can’t kiss
> you, I’m confused.”
> Is that a test? Punishment for my outrageous flirting with M & K?
The switch
> isn’t quite flipped back from the old wuss days?
> And I have no idea what to do next. I’m thinking I should now do a ‘take
> away’ for a whole week and let that all sink into her.
> Any thoughts?
> S


You’ve done great because you’ve achieved something very few guys
manage to do– you got out of the “wussy” category.

She is not punishing you…take THAT as a huge compliment and CONFUSE
her even more. HOT and COLD all the way. Give her hope that she has a
chance with you and then PULL back.

Keep doing whatever you’ve been doing and you’ll bag this one. Hot and
Cold all they way.



Message: 10
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 13:43:53 +1100
From: “Hart, Simon”
Subject: RE: Re: I’m stuck in my seduction, advice plea se!

>>You’ve done great because you’ve achieved something very few guys
manage to do– you got out of the “wussy” category.

No I didn’t. I crashed and burned. It was an ILLUSION. I later found out she
is in love with another guy and was just using me (I THINK). I’m pretty sure
that’s the situation. This minx has been playing mind games with me for



Message: 11
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 02:51:09 -0000
From: “George”
Subject: Re: I’m stuck in my seduction, advice plea se!

— In, “Hart, Simon”
> >>You’ve done great because you’ve achieved something very few guys
> manage to do– you got out of the “wussy” category.
> No I didn’t. I crashed and burned. It was an ILLUSION. I later found
out she
> is in love with another guy and was just using me (I THINK). I’m
pretty sure
> that’s the situation. This minx has been playing mind games with me for
> ages.
> S

You’re guessing again. If she WAS confused, you were doing excellent
and the best way was to confuse her even more.

Good luck.



Message: 12
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 13:41:50 +1100
From: “Hart, Simon”
Subject: The Naked Self

Hey guys, if you want a good laugh then bookmark this page:

I’m starting a diary of my journey from AFC to PUA. From where I’m at now I
give myself 12 months to make MASSIVE CHANGES. I currently regard myself as
starting again from scratch. I totally crashed and burned with ‘I’, it was a
complete f__k up. It is going to be totally the naked truth. You can comment
anonymously and call me names, laugh at my hopeless mistakes, and hopefully
over time watch me win small victories, then bigger victories, then BIG
victories etc.



Message: 13
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 14:00:27 +1100
From: “Hart, Simon”
Subject: 3 openers

I’m going sarging Friday and Saturday night on my own, and I want to go
armed with 3 GREAT OPENERS so if I freeze up, I can at least go practice the
openers like a drill.

Any suggestions…?



Message: 14
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 00:05:16 -0500
From: “tjeep”
Subject: Re: 3 openers

* Approach the set smiling.
* if you’re in a club/bar, use indirect opener
* if you’re approaching in street/mall/ cafe direct and indirect work.
* Direct works on single girls.
* if you are in a club, after you talk for sometime, lead her to the dance
floor, remember girls here to have fun, before anything else.
* Notice something about her and use it as an opener.
– Weren’t you wearing this shirt last week/ yesterday too
– What are you doing in a place like this, shouldn’t you be standing over
– Those were cute pants, before you wash them.

* The key to opening is ” Hey guys., ( wait until they give attention) I got
a second, but I need a female opinion
do you think …………….
*Approach the set in a 45 degree
*Use body language
* I use kino from the moment I approach
* Tease
* How do you all know each other
*go into story-telling, convey qualities about yourself, in indirect way
*Use palm reading or cold reading
*Move back to your friends, tell her/them nice talk ing to you, this makes
you with more higher values than the rest of the guys, but I’ll see you
* Or take the girl and let’s go check on my friends, notice you just
isolated her and you now building comfort.
* Engage her friends and ignore the target for sometime,but since she’s
comfortable with your Kino and you are holding her while talking to her
friends, girls love this, because you are not here because she looks hot.
* I often talk to girls about her emotions and many times they end up making
out with me.
* Leave FEAR at home, but also practice at home.
* Approach as many as you can
* if you can’t say a thing, hi 5 girls.
* I could ask a girl about a shirt a guy wearing/ or I am wearing with some
other pants/style.
* Somewhere during all this, I neg her, I slap her hand, I LIGHTLY push her.
* The Most Important Element in my Approaches, I do it For FUN, no matter
what happens happens.

* If you go alone, become social with other people, start with the
bartender, if you go early, you can master this, then talk to small groups,
practice your stories, learn about people, maybe later during your sarge,
you can see another set who are in the same field/ from same town as a set
you previously opened.

If you like, write all your elements, stories and post them.
Hope this helps


—– Original Message —–
From: “Hart, Simon”
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2006 10:00 PM
Subject: [seduction_dating] 3 openers

> I’m going sarging Friday and Saturday night on my own, and I want to go
> armed with 3 GREAT OPENERS so if I freeze up, I can at least go practice
> the
> openers like a drill.
> Any suggestions…?
> S

Message: 15
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 04:40:13 -0800 (PST)
From: Chunwah Ho
Subject: Re: 3 openers

— “Hart, Simon” wrote:

> I’m going sarging Friday and Saturday night on my
> own, and I want to go
> armed with 3 GREAT OPENERS so if I freeze up, I can
> at least go practice the
> openers like a drill.
> Any suggestions…?
> S

How about using some questions from your reporter
drill? And phrase them in such a way as to promote
conversations. Pick the ones that got good reactions
from girls.



Message: 16
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 09:08:35 +0000
From: “chris claridge”
Subject: RE: The Naked Self

You rock bro.
No laughter here, just admiration.
You are ahead of ME.
I am still in the stages of “I’ll do it tomorrow”, which DISGUSTS me.

And I phone in here for bits of advice periodically when I get into jams,
but have yet to go out and field test and experiment full bore like I should

…..and so I am using you as one of my models under the heading of GUTS.
Pat yourself on the back.

When my threshold of PAIN gets great enough, I’ll be spinning a different
Thanks for the Pain Post — I needed it.

>Hey guys, if you want a good laugh then bookmark this page:
>I’m starting a diary of my journey from AFC to PUA. From where I’m at now I
>give myself 12 months to make MASSIVE CHANGES. I currently regard myself as
>starting again from scratch. I totally crashed and burned with ‘I’, it was
>complete f__k up. It is going to be totally the naked truth. You can
>anonymously and call me names, laugh at my hopeless mistakes, and hopefully
>over time watch me win small victories, then bigger victories, then BIG
>victories etc.


Message: 17
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 13:51:00 -0000
From: “Steven”
Subject: Re: How to handle obtuse girls.

George is spot on…she is toying with you…seeing how far she can
push you and just how much BS you will take. You need to ig her big
time: if she is interested she will come to you, if not, then the
heck with her.

Seduction is a numbers game: “play with many so that not one of them
counts.” If you dont have a slew of seductions going concurrently,
then you should so that no one target matters.

Also, when she mentioned her formal event, you had an opportunity to
neg her a bit (“bring her down a notch with a smart ass comment) or
to create your own social value in her eyes (“Yeah i hate those
affairs too, i get invites to five or six a month” or “yeah, i took
a couple different friends to two formal affairs in two months and
i must say, although they were both devastatingly beautiful in their
formals, i can see where the whole get up is uncomfortable” etc,

Frankly, she would not have gotten any game from me after the first
go round anyway. After sending me the stupid ass note about not
dating, or come to think of it, before, I would have just said “i
have a 0 tolerance policy for bullshit and that is what you are

Good luck with your game, but cut the you know what off…


— In, “George”
> — In, “wetlazer”
> >
> > I am in a local singles group and I am trying to figure out what
> > approach I should use, if any, on this girl. Either its not
worth the
> > trouble or I need a better strategy.
> >
> > Quite a while ago I asked this girl out and she shut me down.
> > Around that same period of time I emailed her a note. I
> > forgot about the note. Then, a few months later she IMs me and
> > says “What gave you the right to write a note to me?”
> Interesting reaction. She had been thinking about it and that’s
> The worst reaction you can get is indifference.
> >
> > I said I wrote it months ago why don’t you just forget it.
> > Then she says I don’t know anything about her. She starts
> > reasons we should not date.
> Next time, don’t answer such questions. Ask her a question instead
> draw her out…like this: “What do you mean?” and shut up. Let her
> talk and find out more. Then deal with it.
> >
> > I said she didn’t know me either, and next time she saw me why
> > just kick me in the nuts. So, I dropped the whole deal. A long
> > passed and all of a sudden she is being nice to me.
> Don’t do this “poor me” shtick. Ever.
> >
> > When I post to the group she says nice things. Then, a couple
> > ago I post to see if anyone wants to see this one movie. She
> > what theatre I am going to because she has just rented the movie.
> The frame “I can treat you anyway I want because I am a princess”.
> >
> > I included some actual quotes for clarity.
> >
> > ———————————–
> >
> > I emailed her directly and said:
> > “Why did you ask about the movie?
> > Did you want to come along and see it?”
> Ignore her completely and focus on having fun with the rest of the
> people. Make her crawl back to you, if you must and then give her
> same medicine. But don’t get involved with her.
> >
> > She said:
> > “I can’t Saturday night, I have to attend the xxxxx gala. Since
> > have it on DVD I will probably just watch it at home Sunday, but
> > thanks for the invite. Have fun!”
> >
> Her frame “I feel great because I assume you’d invited me and now I
> can turn you down”.
> > (Thing is I didn’t actually invite her.)
> Agreed. But the bitch is taking it that way because it gives her
> strokes.
> >
> > I said her event would be more exciting.
> >
> > She answered:
> > “Obviously you have never had to wear an evening gown,
> > high heels and smile pretty all night.
> > A movie and dinner sounds much more enjoyable!”
> Yikes, another nasty frame “I have more social value than you,
> >
> > Then I said
> > (yes, I sound wimpy, but I wanted to see how she would react)
> >
> > I answered:
> > “No, I have never had to do those things.
> > I would however, and this is just me letting my
> > imagination wonder, certainly have enjoyed an evening
> > spent at such an affair, with you.”
> Well intentioned, but flat out wrong. I say wrong because it still
> gives her all the power.
> >
> > “I am certain you looked ravishing. Now, so that I do
> > not offend. This was merely a very pleasant thought.
> > Not an inference, not a come on, not an invitation.”
> >
> > “So, please don’t rain on my very pleasant thought
> > parade.)”
> >
> > And she answered:
> >
> > “I didn’t take it any negative way. And I am going to even take
> > compliment and thank you! (though I will admit, this particular
> > evening I did look fabulous!)”
> >
> > ———————————-
> She is a bitch and she’s proud of it.
> >
> > So, my question to the group is..
> > Am I getting anywhere, or is this girl just toying with me.
> > Building her self esteem by trying to make me chase her.
> >
> I say “dump this bitch” and spend your time with the people you
> actually enjoy.
> Here is something about girls like that…treat them nice and
> treat you like shit. Treat them like they’re nobody and they’ll be
> like a puppy dog. Ask yourself “Is it worth it?”
> Warmly,
> George


Message: 18
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 07:41:29 -0800 (PST)
From: Chunwah Ho
Subject: Re: The Naked Self

— “Hart, Simon” wrote:

> Hey guys, if you want a good laugh then bookmark
> this page:
> I’m starting a diary of my journey from AFC to PUA.
> From where I’m at now I
> give myself 12 months to make MASSIVE CHANGES. I
> currently regard myself as
> starting again from scratch. I totally crashed and
> burned with ‘I’, it was a
> complete f__k up. It is going to be totally the
> naked truth. You can comment
> anonymously and call me names, laugh at my hopeless
> mistakes, and hopefully
> over time watch me win small victories, then bigger
> victories, then BIG
> victories etc.
> S


Simple Trick Tells You if a Girl Wants You to Kiss Her

Do girls leave you confused as to whether or not they like you?

Let's face it. Girl's don't make it easy for you. She will often send mixed signals leaving you unable to tell if she is being friendly or flirty. If you read her signals wrong you risk rejection and embarrassment. Or worse, you blow it with a girl who wanted to kiss you.

Here is a simple and innocent move that will instantly tell you if you're in the friend zone, or if she's waiting for you to kiss her.

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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences.  For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.

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