Cliff’s List 3/20/2006

Here is the latest Cliff’s list newsletter. The more I read these the
more I realize how much useful information is inside of them.

Pumping Buying Temperature fast, anytime, anywhere
Maybe this is useful for some of you, this is my transition of how
I pump her BT by sexual talk out of anything.

Assume rapport (if you want to work this as a opener).

Either she gives you some BS (I have a BF) or any plain fact (I’m
18 yrs, I’m 164 cm tall bla bla).

Take this and insert it into following “formula: ”

I: “Ah, too bad that you … (insert BS here), because you couldn’t
imagine what I would do to you if you … (insert opposite of BS, or
BS plus or minus 1)!” (SMILE)
She “What? What would you do?” [comes every time]
I: “Are you shaved?” (SLY SMILE) [check reaction, wait 2-3 sec.,
either she says “yes” immediately or you continue] .. because if
you would been shaved, I mean, you can imagine now where I would
put my tongue, could you? And then I would… [and here continue
explaining your pervert sex fantasies in the most colourful ways…
if resistance, she’s not ready yet (WOW, what a wisdom) – continue
your bla bla.. ] … an then I would take you to another room.. bla
bla bla.

Or: too bad that you are 18, because if you would have been 19..
bla bla bla [if she explains “But it’s only one year” or even
better “I’ll be 19 in 6 months” is a very high IOI]

You can use this to turn from any point of a interaction to sexual
talk (or whatever you want…)

…too bad you’re not 1 cm smaller …
…too bad we’re here and not there…
…too bad it is Wednesday, because if it would be Friday…
…too bad your mother died yesterday…

Or whatever…

I missed a high speed close when I used this as a opener: crowded
place, I bumped into her, she said “sorry” I said “What a cheap
trick…. BTW how tall are you… she: bla bla me: because you cant
imagine what I would do to you if you where just 1 cm smaller…
What? What?
Me: are you shaved?
She: YES, of course!
Me. And then the tongue stuff came and while I explained to her
that I love it lying on my back while the girl is riding on my face
(holding her by the neck, pulling her close to me) she grabbed me
after two minutes or so and shouted “stop it, stop it… I cant
it.. my boyfriend is standing right behind you…”

s-word. I should have pulled her by her hair and f-worded in the
damned toilet….

Important: calibration, smiling, know what you do.

Ideas? Feedback?


Being something of a space-cadet pseudo-academic, I actually forgot
to say two of the most important things I meant to say last time.
First, though self-esteem and other-esteem are two separate things,
it is practically impossible to make any “move” in a relationship
or interaction that does not not have implications for both.
Anything you can do that shows high self-esteem could be
interpreted as showing low other-esteem, and vice versa. The
various moves one might make necessarily tend to show what might be
called the esteem-differential rather than either self-esteem or
other-esteem in isolation. The important thing is that this not be
negative against you. Beyond that, it is more a matter of what sort
of woman you are trying to attract, for what purpose.

Second, demonstrating higher value is not the important thing.
Demonstrating higher power is. But men have higher power simply by
being less interested in relationships than are women, just because
we reproduce by external fertilization while they reproduce by
internal fertlization, which means that quantity gets them nothing.
All things being equal, any man of a given value will have more
power than a women of the same value just by virtue of being a man.


How to get girls to come to you

Tonight I was out with a friend at a restaurant where his
girlfriend is a waitress. We sat at the bar. As I was getting ready
to leave, I turn around and notice this cute girl sitting at a
table alone literally staring at me. So I say “Are you here alone?”
I don’t remember what she said but it implied she was with
someone…so I said “Well if he’s not here in 5 minutes, you’re on a
date with me,” with a huge smile on my face. She loved it! My
friend and his GF insisted that they saw her BF there with her so I
didn’t pursue it. As I left she smiled and her body language spoke
volumes. I just left with my friend. 1 minute later, his GF calls
him and tells him that she was asking about me and wants to give me
her number. Done. No game, not even more than 30 seconds of

This happens to me all the time now. I’m literally overwhelmed. I
have 3 dates this week and this girl will be a 4th. I want to be
the yummiest dessert on the tray.

This is a reality that I could not envision 3 years ago… I didn’t
think it was possible for myself. I think what makes it possible is
the difference between the need to create and the willingness to
allow. When we create the space for attraction to happen, it
will…and as one of my mentors once said to me “Work on yourself
you will have way more attraction than you can handle.” He was
right and I understand it finally, though he said it 8 years ago.

Once we learn how to approach, the next level, I believe, is
learning how to drop all of that and allow…allow ourselves the f r
e e dom to be us, to exist, to radiate attractive qualities, and
they will come.

For guys who feel stuck in their heads with too much stuff but not
knowing what to say first, I know what that’s like. I was there.. I
can offer the following advice:

1) Do not lose faith, do not allow yourself to become frustrated,
or angry with women. It’s not them, it’s you. This realization can
be both a burden and a privilege.
2) Take a few of the pieces of material you have in your head and
devise a simple structure. Use only them. Discard the others.
3) Observe closely and become sensitive to the moment when it’s
time to let go of all of your preconceptions and notions of what
you should do. Allow yourself to be. Coexist with her in a human
4) When you feel any sort of neediness or validation seeking
behavior, acknowledge it. Do not indulge it. Simply accept it as
where you are, in this moment.
5) DO NOT think that just because you’re not getting “Massive
IOIs,” that you’re doing something wrong. Allow her to become
attracted to you and allow yourself to see if she’s someone you
want to be with.
6) Accept that your game is a manifestation of who you are. Do not
try to be your role models or anyone else. Make your interactions a
unique representation of you.
7) Don’t swear off or swear by game. Game is simply game. It’s a
way to learn. Embrace it, learn it, and be ready to let it go..the
jump between conscious competence and unconscious competence is one
of the hardest things in life because it involves letting go.
Learning is taking on…mastery is letting go.

Cliff’s List, 2348 Lucerne Rd., Suite 143, Montreal, Quebec, CANADA H3R 2J8.
Please notify by email before sending any mail to this address.

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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences.  For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.

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