Yahoo Group March 14 2006 “The Pain Exercise”

Message: 1
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 21:54:53 -0000
From: “BrodToddman”
Subject: guy who makes her feel attractive?

Moreover, unlike most men, a girl would
rather have a guy who makes her feel attractive, than a guy who is
attractive. That’s very different than the way most men think.

This was a piece of advice and it makes sense but at the same time I
thought that making a girl feel attractive will turn her off. I’m
confused about this. So many conflicting view points.

I thought that the “I don’t really care if your attractive thing” was
where it’s at.

Damn! I wish I was born with instincts, cause this is driving me nuts.


Message: 2
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 09:51:07 +1100
From: “Hart, Simon”

I recommend that any guys on this list that are experiencing this part of
their life as PAIN should do this exercise. This is inner game stuff. I
imagine that pain is a motivator for many of the guys on this list who are
trying to get this side of their life handled.

This is something I sat down and did spontaneously 5 days ago, and I still
do not feel the same. I had been looking at this low level feeling of vague
pain I was carrying around with me constantly throughout my day and then I
realized something: that it was multi-faceted (composed of many things, not
just one thing) and also that it was composed of unrealistic demands and

Like me, you are most likely having a kind of constant sub-tantrum because
things are not the way you demand them to be – you are in effect hurting
yourself and using what powers you have unproductively.

So the first question is:


If yes, then this leads to 3 other questions:

1) What is the pain composed of (how many facets)?
2) Is your WILL in conflict with REALITY?
3) Are you using what power you have in the wrong way?

Any example of using your WILL incorrectly would be like trying to lift your
car using your mind alone, and being frustrated that you cannot do it, but
never giving up. This is probably exactly what you are doing in the area of
women and dating to some degree. So now to go and root out these faulty
thought patterns do the following.

1) Make a long list that starts with “I AM IN PAIN BECAUSE…”
2) Follow this with a list that starts with “I EXPECT…” and list your
expectations, no matter how absurd in relation to each pain statement.
3) Make a list that begins with “I ACCEPT…” and state the reality AS IT

Write down as many as you can. Deconstruct that vague feeling of pain and
know all its many parts.

Do this in the evening, then sleep on it. For the benefit of others here are
a few examples of the list that I made, leaving out any that are too close
to the bone to share.

_____________________________ EXAMPLE LIST:

PAIN LIST (break the vague feeling of pain into its exact parts):

1) I am in pain because I am an RAFC (recovering wuss) and I have to watch
myself in real time doing AFC behavior.

2) I am in pain due to giving X validation and getting tooled in return.

3) I am in pain because of a strange feeling of fear due to discovering that
woman are wild sexual creatures that can see right through me (feeling
suddenly exposed).

4) I am in pain due to watching confident young guys picking up hot chicks

5) I am in pain due to having to go out alone and feel like a freak, or else
go out with guys who hold me back and get in my way.

6) I am in pain due to feeling unable to approach. I am in pain due to
knowing what to do, but being unable to do it.

7) I am in pain due to spending many nights alone and no-one rings me.

8) I am in pain due to the injustice that the ex that wrecked my confidence
can walk straight into another relationship, whilst I have to go through all

9) I am in pain due to a feeling that there is sex all around me and I
cannot tap into it.

10) I am in pain due to the fact that I can only seem to currently attract
girls in the 5 – 8 range, and 9’s and 10’s feel out of my reach.


EXPECTATIONS LIST (create the list of expectations that connect to each pain
statement. i.e. what am I demanding that would remove the pain if I had a
magic wand? These thoughts are an incorrect use of my WILL).

1) I expect that because I know all the PUA knowledge, I should therefore
already be a PUA. I do not like the fact that I am still DEEP in AFC land.

2) I expect X to be a sweet girl who likes me.

3) I expect that all women should be sweet and innocent.

4) I expect that I should be able to walk in a club and pick up
effortlessly, and that no guy should be picking up if I’m not.

5) I expect that I should have cool mates who help me pick up.

6) I expect that I should be a full PUA master already.

7) I expect that people should ring me all the time.

8) I expect that my ex should still be single and that I should be in a
relationship instead, so that I am the winner of that war.

9) I expect that no-one should be having sex tonight because I am not having

10) I expect that I should be able to have any woman I want.


I ACCEPT LIST (Make a list now that states the REALITY against my
expectations. This also requires some emotional effort, some letting go,
some surrender, but don’t worry there is one more step after this):

1) I accept that I am still deep in AFC land, and that nothing will happen
without effort, and I have a long way to go.

2) I accept that X is a party girl and also a slut, who is tooling me for

3) I accept that women are wild sexual creatures, and they can FEEL when I
am doing something weird. I accept that I’m currently acting weird around
them, and I currently cannot help it.

4) I accept that for many guys, this area is not an issue, it is easy, and
they are picking up tonight.

5) I accept that I have no such cool mates, only guys who get in my way, and
I will HAVE to go out alone.

6) I accept that I have a long way to go, and I am going to get rejected
many times and I am going to have to make concrete efforts.

7) I accept that people are busy with their own lives.

8) I accept that women get offers all the time and there is no need for them
to stay single for long. I accept that as a man, my situation is entirely
different because I do not get bombarded with such offers.

9) I accept that I live in a world of sex, and I currently cannot tap into

10) I accept that I will have to work hard to get the woman I want.


NOW, this done, I know my pain, I know my unrealistic expectations, and I
know the reality of each. I can ONLY surrender them, because THINGS ARE THE
WAY THEY ARE!! To not accept reality is like not accepting that I can’t lift
my car with my mind, which would be an incorrect use of my will and a
constant source of pain. So now I need to finish by making a GAMEPLAN which
is a realistic use of my will:


1) I will continue to learn the PU arts, and do drills.
2) I will avoid X and STOP giving her validation immediately.
3) I will observe my weird behavior around women and learn from it.
4) I will observe the guys who pick up with ease.
5) I will go out alone, and tough it out.
6) I will try to approach and deal with rejection.
7) I will ring people instead of waiting for them to ring me.
8) I remind myself that I dumped my ex because she was ice-cold & frigid.
9) I remind myself that my situation is better than mates X & Y who are
unhappily married.
10) I will not date women who do not inspire me.

Now, go sleep on it.


Message: 3
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 23:15:44 -0000
From: “tdtroy10”
Subject: Anybody here from Texas? email or message me i need a wing.

Its self explanatory, just IM me, pm me or post something here


Message: 4
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 02:32:51 -0000
From: “George”
Subject: Re: guy who makes her feel attractive?

— In, “BrodToddman”
> Moreover, unlike most men, a girl would
> rather have a guy who makes her feel attractive, than a guy who is
> attractive. That’s very different than the way most men think.
> This was a piece of advice and it makes sense but at the same time I
> thought that making a girl feel attractive will turn her off. I’m
> confused about this. So many conflicting view points.
> I thought that the “I don’t really care if your attractive thing” was
> where it’s at.
> Damn! I wish I was born with instincts, cause this is driving me nuts.

No,that’s not how this works at all. You seem to be looking at this
from “either/or” position. The right attitude is crucial, but you have
to demonstrate it and not just think it. The points are not
conflicting at all– learn to tolerate and embrace ambiguity.

It is true that she wants to feel attractive and she needs to feel
that she may not get you(women love drama-give it to them), and she
doesn’t want to be smothered or drooled over. Hope and doubt- remember
them and use them right.

Questions: What are some situations where it’s not useful to make her
feel too attractive? When is that a very good idea?



Message: 5
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 03:44:23 -0000
From: “George”

— In, “Hart, Simon”
> I recommend that any guys on this list that are experiencing this
part of
> their life as PAIN should do this exercise. This is inner game stuff. I
> imagine that pain is a motivator for many of the guys on this list
who are
> trying to get this side of their life handled.
> This is something I sat down and did spontaneously 5 days ago, and I
> do not feel the same. I had been looking at this low level feeling
of vague
> pain I was carrying around with me constantly throughout my day and
then I
> realized something: that it was multi-faceted (composed of many
things, not
> just one thing) and also that it was composed of unrealistic demands and
> expectations.
> Like me, you are most likely having a kind of constant sub-tantrum
> things are not the way you demand them to be – you are in effect hurting
> yourself and using what powers you have unproductively.
> So the first question is:
> If yes, then this leads to 3 other questions:
> 1) What is the pain composed of (how many facets)?
> 2) Is your WILL in conflict with REALITY?
> 3) Are you using what power you have in the wrong way?
> Any example of using your WILL incorrectly would be like trying to
lift your
> car using your mind alone, and being frustrated that you cannot do
it, but
> never giving up. This is probably exactly what you are doing in the
area of
> women and dating to some degree. So now to go and root out these faulty
> thought patterns do the following.
> 1) Make a long list that starts with “I AM IN PAIN BECAUSE…”
> 2) Follow this with a list that starts with “I EXPECT…” and list your
> expectations, no matter how absurd in relation to each pain statement.
> 3) Make a list that begins with “I ACCEPT…” and state the reality
> IS.
> Write down as many as you can. Deconstruct that vague feeling of
pain and
> know all its many parts.
> Do this in the evening, then sleep on it. For the benefit of others
here are
> a few examples of the list that I made, leaving out any that are too
> to the bone to share.
> _____________________________ EXAMPLE LIST:
> PAIN LIST (break the vague feeling of pain into its exact parts):
> 1) I am in pain because I am an RAFC (recovering wuss) and I have to
> myself in real time doing AFC behavior.
> 2) I am in pain due to giving X validation and getting tooled in return.
> 3) I am in pain because of a strange feeling of fear due to
discovering that
> woman are wild sexual creatures that can see right through me (feeling
> suddenly exposed).
> 4) I am in pain due to watching confident young guys picking up hot
> effortlessly.
> 5) I am in pain due to having to go out alone and feel like a freak,
or else
> go out with guys who hold me back and get in my way.
> 6) I am in pain due to feeling unable to approach. I am in pain due to
> knowing what to do, but being unable to do it.
> 7) I am in pain due to spending many nights alone and no-one rings me.
> 8) I am in pain due to the injustice that the ex that wrecked my
> can walk straight into another relationship, whilst I have to go
through all
> this.
> 9) I am in pain due to a feeling that there is sex all around me and I
> cannot tap into it.
> 10) I am in pain due to the fact that I can only seem to currently
> girls in the 5 – 8 range, and 9’s and 10’s feel out of my reach.
> ——————-
> EXPECTATIONS LIST (create the list of expectations that connect to
each pain
> statement. i.e. what am I demanding that would remove the pain if I
had a
> magic wand? These thoughts are an incorrect use of my WILL).
> 1) I expect that because I know all the PUA knowledge, I should
> already be a PUA. I do not like the fact that I am still DEEP in AFC
> 2) I expect X to be a sweet girl who likes me.
> 3) I expect that all women should be sweet and innocent.
> 4) I expect that I should be able to walk in a club and pick up
> effortlessly, and that no guy should be picking up if I’m not.
> 5) I expect that I should have cool mates who help me pick up.
> 6) I expect that I should be a full PUA master already.
> 7) I expect that people should ring me all the time.
> 8) I expect that my ex should still be single and that I should be in a
> relationship instead, so that I am the winner of that war.
> 9) I expect that no-one should be having sex tonight because I am
not having
> any.
> 10) I expect that I should be able to have any woman I want.
> —————–
> I ACCEPT LIST (Make a list now that states the REALITY against my
> expectations. This also requires some emotional effort, some letting go,
> some surrender, but don’t worry there is one more step after this):
> 1) I accept that I am still deep in AFC land, and that nothing will
> without effort, and I have a long way to go.
> 2) I accept that X is a party girl and also a slut, who is tooling
me for
> validation.
> 3) I accept that women are wild sexual creatures, and they can FEEL
when I
> am doing something weird. I accept that I’m currently acting weird
> them, and I currently cannot help it.
> 4) I accept that for many guys, this area is not an issue, it is
easy, and
> they are picking up tonight.
> 5) I accept that I have no such cool mates, only guys who get in my
way, and
> I will HAVE to go out alone.
> 6) I accept that I have a long way to go, and I am going to get rejected
> many times and I am going to have to make concrete efforts.
> 7) I accept that people are busy with their own lives.
> 8) I accept that women get offers all the time and there is no need
for them
> to stay single for long. I accept that as a man, my situation is
> different because I do not get bombarded with such offers.
> 9) I accept that I live in a world of sex, and I currently cannot
tap into
> it.
> 10) I accept that I will have to work hard to get the woman I want.
> —————–
> NOW, this done, I know my pain, I know my unrealistic expectations,
and I
> know the reality of each. I can ONLY surrender them, because THINGS
> WAY THEY ARE!! To not accept reality is like not accepting that I
can’t lift
> my car with my mind, which would be an incorrect use of my will and a
> constant source of pain. So now I need to finish by making a
> is a realistic use of my will:
> 1) I will continue to learn the PU arts, and do drills.
> 2) I will avoid X and STOP giving her validation immediately.
> 3) I will observe my weird behavior around women and learn from it.
> 4) I will observe the guys who pick up with ease.
> 5) I will go out alone, and tough it out.
> 6) I will try to approach and deal with rejection.
> 7) I will ring people instead of waiting for them to ring me.
> 8) I remind myself that I dumped my ex because she was ice-cold &
> 9) I remind myself that my situation is better than mates X & Y who are
> unhappily married.
> 10) I will not date women who do not inspire me.
> Now, go sleep on it.


That was one of the most honest and profound posts I’ve read since I
become interested in improving my own game.

You’ve gone through a number of stages with this post:

1) Awareness of what is.
2) Acceptance of WHAT IS. (Calling it like it is!)
3) Decision to DO SOMETHING about what you want.

This type of inner work requires courage.

Well done, my friend. Well done!


This is going in the FILES sections tonight.


Message: 6
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 03:58:26 -0000
From: “George”
Subject: Week Three: Online Dating Update

Hey guys,

Just a quick update on my online adventures with

Last week’s effort: (Week 3)

Emailed: 87 active members
Replies received so far: 31

a)Short one liners: “send more photos” 5
b)Specific question why I emailed her: 6
c)Loooong replies with bunch of questions: 4
d)Phone numbers received: 2
e) “Not interested” canned response 11
f)The last 3 had no personality

I got 5 more phone numbers this weekend, so I’ll be calling them
tomorrow to chat and find out more about them. By the way, I’m using
ACT! to manage these contacts and keep track of various conversations.


I’m specifically screening for adventurousness and I’m letting them
them about it politely. It’s a hoop.


Message: 7
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 14:58:43 +1100
From: “Hart, Simon”

>>That was one of the most honest and profound posts I’ve read since I
become interested in improving my own game.

Thanks, I would be interested too to hear if anyone does it, and if they
experienced any kind of “release” from that tension that haunted them

I almost feel puzzled by my own current easy state. My experience is that it
has kind of stopped a war that was going on in my mind, and now my mind is
silent on the issue.

Like imagine if you were very fat, and you were saying to yourself “I’m not
fat! I’m not fat! I-AM-NOT-FAT!!!” —- then you stop, look in the mirror
and go “I’m fat.”

It’s sort of a relief. Then you can go work out what to really do about it.



Message: 8
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 20:58:34 -0800 (PST)
From: Nick Snyder
Subject: Re: Re: Dancing girl

I’m trying to use dancing to learn social skills. On
Sunday I went to a dance and sat at a table by myself.
Some people that are taking dance lessons at the same
dance studio that I am were sitting on the other side
of the ballroom. After a few songs one of them came
over by me and invited me to sit with the group. Which
I then did. I should have joined them on my own but
didn’t really know them and I was hoping that the
vertigo chick was going to be there. Now that I was
invited to sit with the group I will come in and sit
by them next time.

After the dance they went out for pizza and invited me
to go with them. Which I did. Before, if I would have
gone at all. I would have sat there not speaking
unless spoken to. While there, I made a big effort to
talk and join in the conversations so I would not be
seen as weird for not talking. I feel this was a

> You are going out dancing and talking to different
> girls, that’s a good start. If you need help with
> any specific interactions then post your
> conversations to the group and many members will
> be glad to help you.

I have been meeting some girls in the group dance
lessons. The thing that I feel is giving me the most
difficultly now is starting conversations and building
rapport. It’s a skill that I never learned. So I don’t
know what to say or what to ask. In the group lessons
the teachers has us constantly change partners so I
get to meet most the girls in the class. So it could
be a good opportunity to talk to different girls. But
most conversations go like this:

Hi, How are you?
How are you?

That’s it and it’s getting really old. When other
things could be asked and said. But I don’t know what.
There are a couple girls that say more and we some how
end up having a nice conversation. But the girl starts
it and I try to keep it going. What I want, is to be
able to start a conversation and build rapport with
all the women. Most aren’t girl friend possibilities
but it would be good practice.

There is one girl there and our conversations are
going well and I think I’m building rapport with her.
I’m not sure how it happened, it’s kind of a blur (no
I wasn’t drinking) but at the dance party Friday night
after we danced I gave her a hug. Once in a while a
girl would give me a hug but this was the first time I
gave a girl a hug. Then at the end of the dance party
she hugged me good bye. I danced with her again
tonight at a group lesson and we had another good
conversation. I mention that I went to the XYZ
ballroom on Sunday and she asked a couple things about
that and said “nobody invited me” so I said “I’ll
have to invite you next time”. Which gives me an
opening to invite her to the next dance.

I was dancing with her for a little while after the
dance lesson tonight until she had to start her
training. They were there waiting for her so I said
good bye and waved on my way out. It almost looked
like she wanted a hug but I didn’t think of it and I
was already over 10 feet away so I keep going. I’ll
have to go for the hug next time.

> My favorite techniques are from speed seduction.
> Check out some of the posts about SS at
> and see if its for you.
> Basically it’s a set of skills that helps you have
> meaningful conversations with women AND keeps you
> out of the friend category.

What is SS? I went to but didn’t
find it.



Message: 9
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 05:48:55 -0000
From: “googleisbetter80013”
Subject: Re: guy who makes her feel attractive?

— In, “George”
> — In, “BrodToddman”
> wrote:
> >
> > Moreover, unlike most men, a girl would
> > rather have a guy who makes her feel attractive, than a guy who is
> > attractive. That’s very different than the way most men think.
> >
> >
> > This was a piece of advice and it makes sense but at the same
time I
> > thought that making a girl feel attractive will turn her off. I’m
> > confused about this. So many conflicting view points.
> >
> > I thought that the “I don’t really care if your attractive thing”
> > where it’s at.
> >
> > Damn! I wish I was born with instincts, cause this is driving me
> >
> No,that’s not how this works at all. You seem to be looking at this
> from “either/or” position. The right attitude is crucial, but you
> to demonstrate it and not just think it. The points are not
> conflicting at all– learn to tolerate and embrace ambiguity.
> It is true that she wants to feel attractive and she needs to feel
> that she may not get you(women love drama-give it to them), and she
> doesn’t want to be smothered or drooled over. Hope and doubt-
> them and use them right.
> Questions: What are some situations where it’s not useful to make
> feel too attractive? When is that a very good idea?
> Warmly,
> George

In my years of existence, that is the most brillant thing i’ve heard
since a friend of mine told me to buy Revolver by the Beatles, thanx


Message: 10
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 06:10:29 -0000
From: “George”

— In, “Hart, Simon”

> It’s sort of a relief. Then you can go work out what to really do
about it.
> S

Very true. You “paced” your unconscious really well and NOW you can
lead it in the direction you want to go.



Message: 11
Date: 14 Mar 2006 06:14:41 -0000
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Message: 12
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 06:41:04 -0000
From: “George”
Subject: Re: Club issues

— In, “simonwildcat”
> I’ve been out sarging two nights in a row until late (which is a new
> thing for me; I’m going to try to do it regularly, then do more) in
> this great club I’ve discovered near me. The girls are AWESOME and
> there are heaps of them, but there are two problems I’ve encountered
> in the last two nights and I am not sure what to do about either:
> First, the place is LOUD. Like so loud my ears were ringing for hours
> after I came out. You have to kind of yell into girls ears, so that
> means that conversations are NOT happening. No idea how to get around
> this, I was doing quite well with one girl just by bumping asses with
> her and dancing ass-to-ass in a cheeky way, and then she was yelling
> something in my ear for a while, but then her friend took her away.

Almost every club and bar I’ve been to has some quieter areas. I don’t
do the dance floor routine because I need to talk to them. Anywhere
around the dance floor is going to be loud. See if you can find
something quieter.

If the bars you frequent are too loud, find some new ones– expand
your field.

> Second, I noticed that the girls all drink hard. Like they get there,
> line up the tequilas and get smashed.

There are many girls like that. Very true. When I was clubbing at
least 3 nights a week, I’d approach those who come in sober and not
let them get drunk before I have a chance to talk to them.

Now the problem I have is that I
> am not drinking, except for 2 drinks at the start to get me warmed up.
> What this actually means is that I am not calibrated with them.

Hmmm…calibrated? I’m not sure I understand what you mean by
“calibrated”? If you mean that your state is very different from
theirs, then I’ll agree. As you know, they are using alcohol as a
crutch to lose their inhibitions.

Like I
> approach and they are pissed, and I’m sober – and they just SENSE it.

If she is only buzzed, no problem. But if she is really drunk, it gets
difficult to actually talk with her. But it can be done as long as you
keep it simple and playful. No heavy stuff.

> You know how if you are drunk, being around someone sober actually
> sobers you up; it kind of brings you down. I never thought this would
> happen, seeing as girls always complain all the time about drunk guys
> cracking on to them. So somehow I have to get myself into the same
> mood as them whilst being sober – any thoughts on how to do this?

If you want to do this, you can. Pace what’s going on and then lead
them. Your can do this with your body and your language. Are you
familiar with “pacing” ,”leading” and rapport?

Don’t ,in any way, draw attention to their state.

> This is probably more of a game issue; like my being stone cold sober
> and trying to pick up is also new territory.

It’s something new for you, that is true. It is also true that you
don’t know how aware they are of your being sober or “different”
unless you make comments about their state or focus on it.

When I’m drunk it is a
> non issue – like many is the time in the past I have walked up to a
> girl at the bar and started making out with her before even saying a
> word, but there is NO WAY i can do that sober (yet!) ~:-)
> I used to get into this like ZEN moment where I could walk into a set
> of girls, and kiss one of the girls and I KNEW it would work, but
> those days seem to be long ago and far away.
> S
I believe I understand what you’re saying…alcohol used to remove
your inhibitions because you were not concerned what you thought they
might think at the moment?

What stops you from having that right now? See if you can dig a little
deeper here.



Message: 13
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 06:48:26 -0000
From: “googleisbetter80013”
Subject: simple rules, give me feedback

I made some groundrules before dating someone you know well. First, no
rebounds until they have been out of the relationship for two months.
Second, nobody who is in a relationship and is serching the “playing
fiel” at the same time. Third, nobody that you work with. Fourth,
nobody who feels they must be in a relationship, they must be content
with being single, but open to the idea of a relationship.

Give me some thoughts, advice I’ve read other people’s posts is really
good, actually if this list is good, let’s add to it.


Message: 14
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 06:49:46 -0000
From: “George”
Subject: Re: Step by Step (day 6)

— In, “dddrsos” wrote:
> Nice day!!! I asked 10 girls for directions (like i planed) and smile
> timidly to 9 girls…but the best thing that happens today was….I
> smile showing my teeths one time, a non timidly smile, and she smiled
> too.
> I think that it was more one step!
> The secret to the sucess is PRESISTENCE!!!

Yes it is! If you at any time feel like you’re getting stuck, ask
ANYONE to regain the momentum. Keep going.



Message: 15
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 06:53:55 -0000
From: “George”
Subject: Re: Step by Step (day 8)

— In, “dddrsos” wrote:
> This day i just asked 14 girls for directions, don’t do the mission of
> smile. Well but i will change a thing in my missions…i will not do
> these two missons at the same time (ask for directions and smile to
> strange girls) because i need to focous my attention in each mission
> to be more objective.
> When i see a girl in the street i start to think….”Well, what
> mission i will do now? ask for directions or just smile?..humm lets
> ask for directions”, and that’s my think in the maiority of the cases
> because it’s more easy to ask for directions and i forget the other
> mission…and that’s the motive why i will start to do each mission
> separate.
> Now i will do only the smile because is more dificult…let’s see
> what’s happen tomorrow.

Pick ONE mission and keep it simple, so you don’t have to decide on
the spot what you need to do. Or,if you feel like you want to do them
both, do your drill # 1 in the morning and the #2 in the

Keep going.



Message: 16
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 01:56:08 -0500
From: “tjeep”
Subject: Re: Week Three: Online Dating Update

What pattern you follow on phone?
—– Original Message —–
From: “George”
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 10:58 PM
Subject: [seduction_dating] Week Three: Online Dating Update

> Hey guys,
> Just a quick update on my online adventures with
> Last week’s effort: (Week 3)
> Emailed: 87 active members
> Replies received so far: 31
> a)Short one liners: “send more photos” 5
> b)Specific question why I emailed her: 6
> c)Loooong replies with bunch of questions: 4
> d)Phone numbers received: 2
> e) “Not interested” canned response 11
> f)The last 3 had no personality
> I got 5 more phone numbers this weekend, so I’ll be calling them
> tomorrow to chat and find out more about them. By the way, I’m using
> ACT! to manage these contacts and keep track of various conversations.
> Warmly,
> George
> P.S.
> I’m specifically screening for adventurousness and I’m letting them
> them about it politely. It’s a hoop.


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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences.  For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.

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